Monday, August 10, 2009

SEO - (Search Engine Optimization)

Today Search Engine Optimization is big business. The number of

companies out there providing SEO services is quite

staggering, and it’s growing every day. Does that mean it’s

too difficult to do all by yourself?

Not at all. It’s very involved, and it will take a little time and ongoing effort, but it’s

not rocket science, and you can even do everything you need to organically Rank

#1 in all major search engines by yourself, all for free.

When I opened my SEO Services business in 2004 I only had experience

working with my own websites before that point, and I learned VERY quickly one

last, very important thing about SEO… It’s personal.

If you pay a big company to optimize your website for you, as opposed to you

learning how and doing the optimization yourself, then you’ll never be able to

rank as highly. Another company cannot have the very discreet knowledge of

your businesses’ keywords and market that you had to learn the hard way.

You can’t just write some keywords down on a list and give it to them, either. You

have to be the one continually choosing your website’s keywords and putting

them in your site where you see fit. Any other method will either make your site

be someone else’s work, not matching your industry, or simply ineffective.

(Usually all three.)

The good news is that you taking on the role of SEOer of your own site means

that you won’t have to pay a penny for SEO services at all. As my ratings

suggest, it’s not a very quick way to bring in traffic, but scoring very highly for

your keywords in the Google, Yahoo!, and MSN search engine ranking pages

(SERPs) is an incredibly effective way of bringing in traffic. Possibly the best of

all ways, because it is the highest possible quality, and if you can dominate

enough keywords for your niche, the highest possible quantity as well!

On- site Search Engine Optimization breaks down into 5 categories.

We won’t be including link building in with these five, but it is a very important

ongoing method you must follow up with... There are many entries throughout

this Encyclopedia on that subject.

People who don’t understand SEO just aren’t aware that it’s all about the

Keywords. Choose the right ones, and all of the ones, for your niche, and then

use them everywhere you can on your site. That’s really all there is to SEO, but

there are infinite variations to the process. Let’s hit the major areas by category.

Keyword Selection

Choosing the Right keywords to target your intended audience with is more than

vital, it’s the


ball game. The best way to do this is by using a large-scale

keyword generation software & services such as



Keyword Elite


However, if you take the time to do it right, you can find all the same keywords

yourself, albeit more slowly, by using an excellent free web-based tool offered by

Digital Point Solutions, simply called the

Free Keyword Suggestion Tool

. It

actually queries both Yahoo’s (Overture) data as well as Google’s AdWords

keyword data, for each and ever y keyword search you run. Better yet, it let’s you

drill down to be as specific as you want.

The only thing this doesn’t tell you is how much people are willing to pay for each

term in PPC engines like AdWords and Y!SM. This is valuable data I suggest you

use for in-depth campaigns, especially for AdSense Publishers, however at this

point it’s not necessary. SEOing your website is strictly the art of choosing the

MOST RELEVANT keywords to your desired audience. All else needs to be

forgotten at this stage.

Build up as big a list as possible, keeping all keywords on your list relevant. I

suggest using a spreadsheet like MS-Excel to store them, so you can sort them

by demand as well.

The way you get lots of people to your site is by choosing the highest-demand

keywords on that list and using them in your site often. After you’ve built your

whole list, sort by demand, and use those with the biggest numbers the most

across your website.

It’s actually a bit more complicated than that, but you can easily see the pattern

here. For those perfectionists out there, I’ve perfected the process instructions on

my old SEO website:

Keyword Density

This term refers to the number of times you use your keywords throughout a

page or a site. If you had a 200 word page that you’re trying to optimize for the

word “peanut butter,” but only said this phrase once throughout the whole page,

you’re not letting Googlebot and it’s spider pals know what you’re talking about at


Alternatively, if 50 of those 200 words (25%) are the keywords themselves, then

you’re really going to be spamming the search engines, as Googlebot will see

right through what you’re trying to do and penalize you for it. Even worse, people

reading such copy would think that you’re not even a native speaker of your

language, and leave the page immediately!

The best course of action would be to aim between 0.5% and 5% of the content

on a page. Any more would sound artificial; any less would be too vague. The

trick is to never let it influence your copy’s effectiveness.

This doesn’t take into account the other places you can put your keywords, such

as the name of the page, the title, in HTML comment tags, as names for the

photos it links to, and of course in the Meta Tags in your HTML code. They’r e all

wide-open for you to shove your keywords into as well, and SE Spiders like

Googlebot read them too.


The most important place on a web page to put your keywords, beside the Title

on the page, is in your page’s META tags. In your html page codes’ heading

section, they look like this:

There are many other META tags as well, but these are pretty universal, and

really only the top two here, Description & Keywords are vital.

A major mistake most web authors do is to make their META tag block once, and

then just post the same block on every page of their site. Each page on your site

should be targeted individually, and contain the keywords from the meta tags in

the body copy as well.

To put it another way, your page on Peanut Butter Cookies must have that

keyword phrase on it, in the Meta Tag as well as the content, and not the same 5

keywords on your main Peanut Butter web site home page… Remember, Google

and the other big SEs judge each page one by one for for their results, not whole


Site Flow

The Flow of a website in SEO terms refers to the order in which a Search Engine

Spider like Googlebot will read a site and even page while indexing. (In sales

websites, there is another “Flow” process, which is totally separate from this


To optimize your website for the search engines, you have to try to read the

website code in the same order that a spider does, not just how it appears to

humans. There are many variables to this, including instructions for the spiders in

your Robots.txt file, inside the META “Index” tag, the order of which your links

appear on a web page, the order of all links in your sitemap file, and even the

order that the content occurs within the html code. Collectively , we call all of

these “Spider guiders.”

What this mini-science comes down to is the fact that you must show the search

engines exactly what you want to be highly ranked for, and hide as much else as

possible from them. The most important tool in this arsenal is a Sitemap file…


Both Google and Yahoo! let you write a “map” of your website and submit it to

them, so their spiders will know in advance exactly what to go index and how

often. This has nothing to do with your website’s “Sitemap” page, those are for a

human being’s eyes, although technically those make it a little easier on the

spiders as well.

Google’s spider map is commonly a file named “sitemap.xml” that must be

placed on the main web directory of your server host. Google demands that it be

written in the XML language, which looks a lot like HTML except for a few other

commands. Don’t worry, you won’t have to write a single line of code for this.

There’s an excellent free tool coming up in a minute to write these for you.

Once you’ve got your file written, you’ve got to tell Google that it’s there, so you

can get Googlebot to come out and spider your website as soon as possible.

Without doing this, you have no control at all when your website will be first


Where do you do this? Simply log into your Google account, (the same account

for Gmail, Analytics, AdWords, AdSense, or any other of Google’s services) and

click on “My Account,” then “Webmaster Tools.” From that page you’ll be able to

add websites and watch their progress.

Yahoo!’s Sitemap is different. It’s just a Text file (.TXT) that is nothing but a list of

URLs on your domain. If you list an URL there, it will index that page. If not, it

won’t. I love the simplicity of their method. They call it a “Feed” however, and you

have to submit that too.

Simply go to the main page of, click at the bottom where it says

“Suggest a Site.” Choose the top option of “Suggest a Site for free,” and the page

will then take you to an account login screen if you’re not already logged in. Do

so, and then the next screen will be a website URL suggestion form. The account

“Feed” it is looking for is the Urllist.txt file that you have to make. It can be added

there at the end of the URL to your website in their form, and Yahoo! will start

spidering your site immediately as well.

So where do you get your Sitemap.xml and Urllist.txt files made? There are

hundreds of places online that offer the service of writing these files for you. Until

recently, all the free versions were very limited, only allowing 50 to100 links on

your site, or not allowing certain time variables. Lately there’s been an addition

that has no such limits, making all the rest of these obsolete:

Click on the ‘webmaster tool’ box on this page and it will open up a Java

application. (Yes, you need free Sun Java installed first.) Play with this app until

you feel lik e you’ve included everything on your site that you want Google and

Yahoo! to see, and hidden away everything else. It can then output the

sitemap.xml and urllist.txt files for you, all for free.

Upload those to the main folder of your server host and tell Big G and Y! where

they are as fast as you can.

All the rest of SEOing your website has to do with link building, but there are

some other details that can help as well. I also recommend a great program



that helps automate all of this work from one suite of tools, and

they even have a free version as well. It even gives you reports of work left to do

and campaign effectiveness.

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