Monday, August 10, 2009

Blogs (A subset of Link Building)

These great tools act as duplicate websites that are extremely

easy and free to set up, and can generate traffic very quickly.

All you need is some content, not even very good content,

and you’ve got a great “Second site” for the search engine to follow your links to

and from.

Ever since Google bought

, Googlebot has paid a lot of attention to

what’s happening in “the Blogosphere.” Search engines still love to spider Blog

content more often than other types of websites, since blogs were invented to be

easy for SE Spiders to traverse in the first place.

A unique feature of even the free blogs like Wordpress & blogger is that you can

set them up to automatically “ping” certain Search Engines or even social

bookmarking sites to request that the spider comes out for another visit every

time new content is added.

However, the hype about blogs has mostly died down now. (Thank goodness!) At

first it was well justified, and then a method of website marketing called “Blog and

Ping” was overused in early 2006 by most of the Internet Marketers of the time.

It involved making tons of blogs with almost no content in them except a link to

their website, and then setting them all to ping immediately… This caused

Google to hold an emergency war council and now the Ping feature is only

marginally better than not at all. –It is still an advantage over normal websites


The other great thing about a Blog is that you can get attention to it, not just by

pinging but with any of the thousands of social bookmarking tools, per POST, not

per website, which is a powerful thing. There are many marketers who are using

Wordpress blogs installed on their own servers to generate 4,000 unique visitors

every day right now! –Not peaks, but Constant traffic… Although they do have to

come up with good content daily for that to stay at that level.

You can read a lot more about Web 2.0 and Social bookmarking in later

chapters, including how they relate to blogs, but the thing to decide at this point is

if you want to build a huge, high-tech blog yourself, or if you just want to use

other’s blogs for some easy traffic.

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