There are many people wonder if is truly possible to make money from home with no money. The truth is that there are many possibilities for you to do this on the Internet if you're just willing to take the time to find out and get educated on it. The one thing that many people think and is not true is that you can make this happen overnight.
Success on the Internet and building a consistent income is going to take some time because is a process that requires it. You can honestly get started without having to spend any money and all you're going to be investing is your time. There are many legit ways for you to do this and I will soon identify some of the way that you can go about it.
Once you understand that is going to take some time and is not going to happen right away then you're going to be able to start making money from home with no money. As I mentioned before you're going to be investing your time because you can utilize something called affiliate programs. These programs are pretty much paid by companies that allow people to promote their services or products and pay them based on a percentage of that initial sale that they make.
It is completely free to join these businesses and all you're going to need is your computer and a way to promote the business. When it comes to promoting the business have a secret to tell you that not many people know about. The secret is called article marketing, this is a very effective a powerful way to promote your business that only requires your time and is completely free to use.
As long as you have some time to spare and you're willing to be dedicated to put in the hard work that is necessary you're going to be successful and actually make money from home with no money.
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Sunday, August 23, 2009
Use Your Legitimate Internet Based Home Business to Sell Exclusivity By Michelle Jayes
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Online income businesses are a lot more cost effective to run than the bricks and mortar type, but in these difficult economic times even they are failing and more and more businesses are closing their doors.
There is a way that it is possible for these internet businesses to increase their chances of survival and that is to offer more exclusivity in the products that they are selling.
Exclusive products will appeal to people in many different ways and at different levels. As an example people to whom status is important will always spend money no matter what the state of the economy is. Those in the lower income groups will also consider buying something exclusive if they feel that they are getting a better quality or more valuable product. You need to make sure that your product is still priced at a point where you are still able to sell it.
As a typical example let's look at the way people view clothing. There was a time when only the rich and famous wore designer label clothing, but today everyone from young children to adults aspire to own clothing and accessories with designer labels. These items are in actual fact no better than any other clothing that is available at less than half the price, but that is not what is important, people are attracted by the perceived status that goes with the designer label.
What you need to do with your legitimate internet business is develop the same kind of awareness about the product that you are promoting. How, you might wonder are you going to do this?
One method that you can use is to talk about all the exciting details that your product offers. If you are marketing an affiliate product then you could use a pre-sell page or landing page to promote the product. You can do this by sending your visitors to a pre-sell page first where you can build excitement by giving them the great details of what to expect before they even reach your website.
The idea here is to have your own unique pre-sell page which is totally different from the page provided by the affiliate company, which is the page that every other affiliate marketer will be using. In this way you are creating an immediate feeling of exclusiveness.
When things are unique they appear to be exclusive and if you highlight the features on your product in a way that makes them appear to be luxurious and go into great detail about the unique qualities your product has people will begin to believe what you are telling them. This is why copywriters will write such long sales copy on their web pages. Although to you it might become boring when you have read through it several times, to someone visiting your website for the first time, it can be very exciting.
When people are easily impressed by status them spending extra money on something does not phase them. Generally if they spend more than their budget actually allows they will feel as if they are getting something which is more exclusive than their peers can aspire to.
The beauty of this strategy is that it will create a viral effect and your sales will begin to increase dramatically because you will then be marketing from an exclusive position of status. With this kind of marketing your legitimate internet home business will grow and the state of the economy will not impact on your business in any way.
If you enjoyed this article by Michelle Jayes then visit her website for more great ideas and business opportunities and sign up for her free newsletter
Online income businesses are a lot more cost effective to run than the bricks and mortar type, but in these difficult economic times even they are failing and more and more businesses are closing their doors.
There is a way that it is possible for these internet businesses to increase their chances of survival and that is to offer more exclusivity in the products that they are selling.
Exclusive products will appeal to people in many different ways and at different levels. As an example people to whom status is important will always spend money no matter what the state of the economy is. Those in the lower income groups will also consider buying something exclusive if they feel that they are getting a better quality or more valuable product. You need to make sure that your product is still priced at a point where you are still able to sell it.
As a typical example let's look at the way people view clothing. There was a time when only the rich and famous wore designer label clothing, but today everyone from young children to adults aspire to own clothing and accessories with designer labels. These items are in actual fact no better than any other clothing that is available at less than half the price, but that is not what is important, people are attracted by the perceived status that goes with the designer label.
What you need to do with your legitimate internet business is develop the same kind of awareness about the product that you are promoting. How, you might wonder are you going to do this?
One method that you can use is to talk about all the exciting details that your product offers. If you are marketing an affiliate product then you could use a pre-sell page or landing page to promote the product. You can do this by sending your visitors to a pre-sell page first where you can build excitement by giving them the great details of what to expect before they even reach your website.
The idea here is to have your own unique pre-sell page which is totally different from the page provided by the affiliate company, which is the page that every other affiliate marketer will be using. In this way you are creating an immediate feeling of exclusiveness.
When things are unique they appear to be exclusive and if you highlight the features on your product in a way that makes them appear to be luxurious and go into great detail about the unique qualities your product has people will begin to believe what you are telling them. This is why copywriters will write such long sales copy on their web pages. Although to you it might become boring when you have read through it several times, to someone visiting your website for the first time, it can be very exciting.
When people are easily impressed by status them spending extra money on something does not phase them. Generally if they spend more than their budget actually allows they will feel as if they are getting something which is more exclusive than their peers can aspire to.
The beauty of this strategy is that it will create a viral effect and your sales will begin to increase dramatically because you will then be marketing from an exclusive position of status. With this kind of marketing your legitimate internet home business will grow and the state of the economy will not impact on your business in any way.
If you enjoyed this article by Michelle Jayes then visit her website for more great ideas and business opportunities and sign up for her free newsletter
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Email Sales Leads - Should You Buy Or Create Your Own? Surprising Answers Can Make You Millions! By Jayne Newman
As an Internet marketer you are most probably asking where you can find email sales leads for your small business or affiliate programs. It is not uncommon information in the business that sales leads are a most important factor of any business or cash generating opportunity.
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When considering email sales leads, you should buy this kind of information either in bulk or in smaller quantities and the pricing would vary. Bulk sales leads generally sell for less money, and smaller quantity leads are more expensive. The reason for this is that bulk sales leads are usually not very specific. They can be of a more general audience that is looking for varied information including your subject matter. Smaller quantity leads are almost always screened for specific subject matter. This means that they are interested in your material, and may be more apt to buy your products and services. You will want to weigh the odds of whether you want bulk sales leads, or more specific sales leads. This can be an important factor in your bottom line, and revenue that you generate from your marketing efforts.
Another point about bulk sales leads is they're generated using common advertisements that don't target your particular target market or opportunity. They target people who sign up for a particular opportunity generally. These type leads are often recycled meaning they've been sold multiple times. Though they can generate results they're often not the best leads for your money.
Interestingly enough, the best email leads that you can expect to have are the ones that you have generated yourself using techniques and strategies that narrow down a target audience for a specific opportunity. In order to generate your own leads, you will want to consider email lead generation software to keep track of your mailing lists, and opt in offers. Automated lead software is also important to stay compliant with the CAN Spam Acts.
In order to gather an audience for your products and services using email advertising, roll up your sleeves, and try some free selling techniques like article marketing. Article marketing is an excellent way to build an email list. At the bottom of your articles in the "author resource box", simply add your signature line with a free offer, or an invitation to get more useful information. The potential customer simply clicks on your link, and signs up with their information and email address. Also, try some of the free online classified services to post ads, and other useful information. Remember to link back to your opt-in form, or squeeze page.
Once you have this valuable information, you can send out your promotional materials, continue to build your list, and build your business. In addition to building your business with opt-in's, you are also building a better search engine ranking for your website. Search engines will begin to gain interest in your website when you use key phrases linking back to your relevant website. This in turn will bring in more visitors, and increase your revenues.
When you become used to building traffic and an email marketing list for yourself, you may want to consider advanced techniques like Pay Per Click to expand your marketing plans.
In conclusion, you can find good email sales leads by purchasing leads from lead brokers, but the best leads are the ones that you generate yourself. Target your own market, and put in some effort to gain your own audience.
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When considering email sales leads, you should buy this kind of information either in bulk or in smaller quantities and the pricing would vary. Bulk sales leads generally sell for less money, and smaller quantity leads are more expensive. The reason for this is that bulk sales leads are usually not very specific. They can be of a more general audience that is looking for varied information including your subject matter. Smaller quantity leads are almost always screened for specific subject matter. This means that they are interested in your material, and may be more apt to buy your products and services. You will want to weigh the odds of whether you want bulk sales leads, or more specific sales leads. This can be an important factor in your bottom line, and revenue that you generate from your marketing efforts.
Another point about bulk sales leads is they're generated using common advertisements that don't target your particular target market or opportunity. They target people who sign up for a particular opportunity generally. These type leads are often recycled meaning they've been sold multiple times. Though they can generate results they're often not the best leads for your money.
Interestingly enough, the best email leads that you can expect to have are the ones that you have generated yourself using techniques and strategies that narrow down a target audience for a specific opportunity. In order to generate your own leads, you will want to consider email lead generation software to keep track of your mailing lists, and opt in offers. Automated lead software is also important to stay compliant with the CAN Spam Acts.
In order to gather an audience for your products and services using email advertising, roll up your sleeves, and try some free selling techniques like article marketing. Article marketing is an excellent way to build an email list. At the bottom of your articles in the "author resource box", simply add your signature line with a free offer, or an invitation to get more useful information. The potential customer simply clicks on your link, and signs up with their information and email address. Also, try some of the free online classified services to post ads, and other useful information. Remember to link back to your opt-in form, or squeeze page.
Once you have this valuable information, you can send out your promotional materials, continue to build your list, and build your business. In addition to building your business with opt-in's, you are also building a better search engine ranking for your website. Search engines will begin to gain interest in your website when you use key phrases linking back to your relevant website. This in turn will bring in more visitors, and increase your revenues.
When you become used to building traffic and an email marketing list for yourself, you may want to consider advanced techniques like Pay Per Click to expand your marketing plans.
In conclusion, you can find good email sales leads by purchasing leads from lead brokers, but the best leads are the ones that you generate yourself. Target your own market, and put in some effort to gain your own audience.
Searching for Sales Leads and Mailing Lists that Will Generate Big Money for Your Business? Your Search is Over!
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3 Web Design Tips to Help You Go From Beginner to Expert by Matt Shaw
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Recently I've been putting a lot of thought into what I should blog about, I'd like it to be a regular thing, so I thought it would be good to start with talking about the basic skills I have developed whilst working as a web designer. Below are 3 main points that I feel have been instrumental in improving my own web design, and I thought some beginners might appreciate these tips. Feel free to add your own thoughts in the comments section below.
1. Ditch the design view and learn to code.
Learning to code HTML is probably the most important aspect of becoming a web designer. Whilst some people may not find this easy at first, there are a wealth of resources to help you get started. Myself, I learned to understand HTML from a 'getting started' book. This was years ago, I was about 14, and I dipped out of it for a long time. When I came back to it I still had that basic understanding of what should go where, but so much had changed with regards to what we could do, obviously I had a lot to pick up on.
You'll also find that learning the code will add an extra dimension to your site, you'll be able to add the extra details and customizations that you've always wanted to. Once you learn to understand the code, you'll also realize how much code bloat WYSIWYG editors tend to add to your site. This extra code can slow load times, and get in the way of editing the markup.
2. Get familiar with W3C
It may be daunting, but the more validation you do, the easier it will become to come to know the little do's and don'ts of HTML. There is also a CSS validater, whilst not as important it's also good practice to get familiar with this. You'll find that once all your code is valid, then cross browser problems (IE) you may have previously experienced will be a lot easier to solve. That is not to say you won't have to worry about cross browser compatibility, but it will go some way to easing the pain.
You'll also find that your websites rank higher in search engines if they are built to the latest web standards. W3C standards can be easy to dismiss as 'not important' or 'too difficult'. I should know, I dismissed it for these reasons for far too long before deciding to ensure my sites validated.
3. Use Photoshop to Design
There are lots of reasons for using Photoshop for the initial design of a website. Firstly, it helps you to decide on a grid structure, proportions and the best places to put call to action buttons. To an extent, wire framing should get a lot of this out the way, but I find pulling it together 'for real' really helps finalise things.
Secondly, it makes it much easier to add smaller details such as gradients, highlights etc.. when it's all in one document, before everything is split up into separate smaller images. I think it's important to decide on the finer details before starting on the code, as you get much more of a vision of what you are building. Finalizing the design first enables you to plan how you will achieve each part of the design in HTML/CSS, before you actually start piecing it together. It also helps the client visualize what you have in mind. If they can physically see what you are doing for them, it helps them to relax and to trust you as a designer.
You may also find that it's much easier to change the layout around in Photoshop than it would be if the markup as already been created. If the client wishes to see the sidebar on the left rather than the right for example, its a simple job to switch it all about and send across a jpg.
So those are my 3 main tips, I'd be interested to hear from others out there and if there are any other points worth adding to this.
Recently I've been putting a lot of thought into what I should blog about, I'd like it to be a regular thing, so I thought it would be good to start with talking about the basic skills I have developed whilst working as a web designer. Below are 3 main points that I feel have been instrumental in improving my own web design, and I thought some beginners might appreciate these tips. Feel free to add your own thoughts in the comments section below.
1. Ditch the design view and learn to code.
Learning to code HTML is probably the most important aspect of becoming a web designer. Whilst some people may not find this easy at first, there are a wealth of resources to help you get started. Myself, I learned to understand HTML from a 'getting started' book. This was years ago, I was about 14, and I dipped out of it for a long time. When I came back to it I still had that basic understanding of what should go where, but so much had changed with regards to what we could do, obviously I had a lot to pick up on.
You'll also find that learning the code will add an extra dimension to your site, you'll be able to add the extra details and customizations that you've always wanted to. Once you learn to understand the code, you'll also realize how much code bloat WYSIWYG editors tend to add to your site. This extra code can slow load times, and get in the way of editing the markup.
2. Get familiar with W3C
It may be daunting, but the more validation you do, the easier it will become to come to know the little do's and don'ts of HTML. There is also a CSS validater, whilst not as important it's also good practice to get familiar with this. You'll find that once all your code is valid, then cross browser problems (IE) you may have previously experienced will be a lot easier to solve. That is not to say you won't have to worry about cross browser compatibility, but it will go some way to easing the pain.
You'll also find that your websites rank higher in search engines if they are built to the latest web standards. W3C standards can be easy to dismiss as 'not important' or 'too difficult'. I should know, I dismissed it for these reasons for far too long before deciding to ensure my sites validated.
3. Use Photoshop to Design
There are lots of reasons for using Photoshop for the initial design of a website. Firstly, it helps you to decide on a grid structure, proportions and the best places to put call to action buttons. To an extent, wire framing should get a lot of this out the way, but I find pulling it together 'for real' really helps finalise things.
Secondly, it makes it much easier to add smaller details such as gradients, highlights etc.. when it's all in one document, before everything is split up into separate smaller images. I think it's important to decide on the finer details before starting on the code, as you get much more of a vision of what you are building. Finalizing the design first enables you to plan how you will achieve each part of the design in HTML/CSS, before you actually start piecing it together. It also helps the client visualize what you have in mind. If they can physically see what you are doing for them, it helps them to relax and to trust you as a designer.
You may also find that it's much easier to change the layout around in Photoshop than it would be if the markup as already been created. If the client wishes to see the sidebar on the left rather than the right for example, its a simple job to switch it all about and send across a jpg.
So those are my 3 main tips, I'd be interested to hear from others out there and if there are any other points worth adding to this.
Creating a Successful Online Business - Keeping Your Visitors By Kyle Gile
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One of the most important key things in having a successful business online is the look of your website. Your visitors don't want to look at an uninviting website. This will make them think that you are highly unprofessional and will begin to look for someone that comes on as a very professional company right from the start.
You need to find a way to get yourself a professional, yet extremely eye-catching website. Most business owners have little, to no experience in graphic and web design. But this does not mean that graphic and web design is not important to your business. Graphic and web design is one of the most important aspects to your business. It takes a lot of time and dedication to become a professional web designer, which is why there is web design company's out there.
Design company's are there to make your life easier. You, as a business owner, do not have the time to sit down for a few years and learn to be even decent at web design. This is why you as a business owner needs to find the right design company to design your next website.
Remember, it is not only your product that will get you customers in the online business. If you don't have a professional, eye-catching website and a new visitor comes to your website, they are likely to leave your website in search of someone that comes off as more professional. A lot of business owners may have opposite thoughts, and think that only their product or service is the only thing that matters. But before the client even thinks about trying a businesses product or service, you need to attract them. This is one of the main reason that some businesses never get off the ground, and eventually fade away.
Hopefully you learned some new information from this article, and will take my suggestions into consideration. If you do, I highly recommend contacting a web design company. You can see their packages very clearly on their home page, also be sure to check out their portfolio.
Kyle Gile
PPC advertising
One of the most important key things in having a successful business online is the look of your website. Your visitors don't want to look at an uninviting website. This will make them think that you are highly unprofessional and will begin to look for someone that comes on as a very professional company right from the start.
You need to find a way to get yourself a professional, yet extremely eye-catching website. Most business owners have little, to no experience in graphic and web design. But this does not mean that graphic and web design is not important to your business. Graphic and web design is one of the most important aspects to your business. It takes a lot of time and dedication to become a professional web designer, which is why there is web design company's out there.
Design company's are there to make your life easier. You, as a business owner, do not have the time to sit down for a few years and learn to be even decent at web design. This is why you as a business owner needs to find the right design company to design your next website.
Remember, it is not only your product that will get you customers in the online business. If you don't have a professional, eye-catching website and a new visitor comes to your website, they are likely to leave your website in search of someone that comes off as more professional. A lot of business owners may have opposite thoughts, and think that only their product or service is the only thing that matters. But before the client even thinks about trying a businesses product or service, you need to attract them. This is one of the main reason that some businesses never get off the ground, and eventually fade away.
Hopefully you learned some new information from this article, and will take my suggestions into consideration. If you do, I highly recommend contacting a web design company. You can see their packages very clearly on their home page, also be sure to check out their portfolio.
Kyle Gile
PPC advertising
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Freelancing Strategies, How to Avoid Confusion
A good way to avoid confusion between you and a freelancer you hire is to provide a table of contents. Once you provide that little bit of structure the freelancer can fill in the rest with related research and filler. That way, the coders knows they are expected to follow the outline you have provided and cannot deviate too much from that.
At any rate, your finished E-book should end up in a very flowing, conversational tempo and pace. Really, it should read as if you were explaining it, more than if it were written by an expert writer. If your product, or your free-lancers product, doesn't really meet snuff, don't worry too much because readers are great at extrapolating meaning from what they read. Most people will re-read anything that interests them, several times over to make the most sense out of it they can.
Are you ready for an unconventional way to compile your E-book? Private label rights products are a great source for works you can use as you choose. These are typically completed works that were done some time ago so there are limitations on what topics are covered under PLR products. An alternative to that is to take a PLR product and update it.
In the past, I have used PLR products as bonus give-a-ways for product promotions, without changing them at all. I put together a gardening product a few years ago and used some ancient PLR books on gardening as promotional give-away bonuses. I got the PLR materials for free and they were still pretty interesting so I threw them in. The readers liked them and noted that they were still reliable, if slightly outdated.
One thing to watch out for is that there are many people using the same sources of PLR for their product origination and, consequently, sometimes they get overused. Make sure that is not the case before you invest a lot of time deriving your product from any PLR product.
PLR dates are important because there are different classifications of PLR. The PLR products created before 1923 in America are fair game. Do what you want with them and stick your name on it. Products published between 1923 & 1963, that didn't have their copyrights renewed, are also in public domain. Either way, make sure to do your research before you use PLR and only put your name on a quality product. As long as you are true to your purpose statement in writing the E-book and you make sure it is a quality product, you will have readers returning, time and time again, for your unique perspective and invaluable information.
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An often overlooked feature of E-books is the fact that you can add links to the pages. This feature essentially turns your E-book into an advertising machine for your products, or your affiliate products. Now, nobody likes to be pitched to constantly so keep that in mind, but you are also running a business. If you can pick up a sale here or there, then why would you pass on the opportunity? I won't.
Truth Voice
At any rate, your finished E-book should end up in a very flowing, conversational tempo and pace. Really, it should read as if you were explaining it, more than if it were written by an expert writer. If your product, or your free-lancers product, doesn't really meet snuff, don't worry too much because readers are great at extrapolating meaning from what they read. Most people will re-read anything that interests them, several times over to make the most sense out of it they can.
Are you ready for an unconventional way to compile your E-book? Private label rights products are a great source for works you can use as you choose. These are typically completed works that were done some time ago so there are limitations on what topics are covered under PLR products. An alternative to that is to take a PLR product and update it.
In the past, I have used PLR products as bonus give-a-ways for product promotions, without changing them at all. I put together a gardening product a few years ago and used some ancient PLR books on gardening as promotional give-away bonuses. I got the PLR materials for free and they were still pretty interesting so I threw them in. The readers liked them and noted that they were still reliable, if slightly outdated.
One thing to watch out for is that there are many people using the same sources of PLR for their product origination and, consequently, sometimes they get overused. Make sure that is not the case before you invest a lot of time deriving your product from any PLR product.
PLR dates are important because there are different classifications of PLR. The PLR products created before 1923 in America are fair game. Do what you want with them and stick your name on it. Products published between 1923 & 1963, that didn't have their copyrights renewed, are also in public domain. Either way, make sure to do your research before you use PLR and only put your name on a quality product. As long as you are true to your purpose statement in writing the E-book and you make sure it is a quality product, you will have readers returning, time and time again, for your unique perspective and invaluable information.
MLM Scams
An often overlooked feature of E-books is the fact that you can add links to the pages. This feature essentially turns your E-book into an advertising machine for your products, or your affiliate products. Now, nobody likes to be pitched to constantly so keep that in mind, but you are also running a business. If you can pick up a sale here or there, then why would you pass on the opportunity? I won't.
Truth Voice
Web Freelancing - 3 Things to Be Cautious of Before Becoming Self-Employed
Freelancing is one of the simplest and quickest ways to become self-employed. It can be a great opportunity for a web developer to strike out on his or her own. Often, the income is even better than having to work for someone else. However, there are many things to be weary of before taking the plunge.
SEO Tips
Income is not study - Typically, your income will not be study. Your paychecks will come from various sources and at different times throughout the month. You will even come across the occasional client who refuses to pay you on time or at all. This can be a cause of stress for someone who likes a study income. Keep this in mind and always have a back-up plan, extra savings, and multiple streams of income for a rainy day.
Picky clients - Unless you are lucky to have easy going clients, you are most likely going to deal with clients who want quick turn-arounds or want numerous revisions on your projects. If you are not already experienced with nit-picky clients from your current or previous job, you are in for a surprise. Keeping clients happy is a job in itself and the constant revisions can become irritating very quickly.
Boredom - I'm sure that there are many web developers who absolutely love what they do. Yet, for many, doing the same type of work you were doing at a 9 to 5 can be just as boring. While you have more freedom than before, it doesn't create much more satisfaction in terms of work.
Being a freelance web developer does have its perks. You can set your own schedule, you can choose your clients, and you can set your own rates. However, the above are definitely things to keep in mind before taking the leap into self-employment.
I also recommend having multiple streams of income and I feel network marketing makes a great part-time option that can be fun and lucrative. As a web developer, you already have the skills to market another business on the side. It is something to keep in mind.
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SEO Tips
Income is not study - Typically, your income will not be study. Your paychecks will come from various sources and at different times throughout the month. You will even come across the occasional client who refuses to pay you on time or at all. This can be a cause of stress for someone who likes a study income. Keep this in mind and always have a back-up plan, extra savings, and multiple streams of income for a rainy day.
Picky clients - Unless you are lucky to have easy going clients, you are most likely going to deal with clients who want quick turn-arounds or want numerous revisions on your projects. If you are not already experienced with nit-picky clients from your current or previous job, you are in for a surprise. Keeping clients happy is a job in itself and the constant revisions can become irritating very quickly.
Boredom - I'm sure that there are many web developers who absolutely love what they do. Yet, for many, doing the same type of work you were doing at a 9 to 5 can be just as boring. While you have more freedom than before, it doesn't create much more satisfaction in terms of work.
Being a freelance web developer does have its perks. You can set your own schedule, you can choose your clients, and you can set your own rates. However, the above are definitely things to keep in mind before taking the leap into self-employment.
I also recommend having multiple streams of income and I feel network marketing makes a great part-time option that can be fun and lucrative. As a web developer, you already have the skills to market another business on the side. It is something to keep in mind.
SEO Tutorials
How to Start Your Own Freelancing Business - Little Things You Must Learn to Do Right From the Start
I'm sure you've been there before. You're moving, shaking and making money. Not giving a thought about sanity. Then, when it comes time to doing the little things to keep your business running smoothly, you either don't have time to do it or you blow it off for another day that never comes. After all if you have money coming into the business, why deal with the tedious work?
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While it may be not desirable for you to worry about the things that do not directly make your business money, it may cost you big time in the long run. Here are a couple of things you must do from the beginning to make sure your business has a solid foundation.
The first thing I would like to discuss with you is tracking your expenses correctly. If you do not track your business expenses you could be throwing out your hard earned money. When tax time rolls around, you and your accountant will be glad you did. That's because some of your expenses may be tax deductable.
Readymade garments
An easy way to track your expenses is to take any receipt you get and place it in a folder. Then set a time once a week to go through that folder and add them to your accounting software. I usually do mine on Sunday morning for an hour or too. It works well for me.
Secondly, you should keep detailed customer records. Remember, freelancing is about building relationships with your clients so they come back to you and give you more work. So it's important to keep pertinent information about them so you can market your services to them again.
For example, you can keep the basic demographic information (name, address, phone and email). Keep in mind, customers like it and start trusting you when they realize you know about their business. You should keep notes of the projects you completed for them. This way when you follow up you are well informed when you set up a proposal for more business from your client.
Readymade garments
Readymade garments
While it may be not desirable for you to worry about the things that do not directly make your business money, it may cost you big time in the long run. Here are a couple of things you must do from the beginning to make sure your business has a solid foundation.
The first thing I would like to discuss with you is tracking your expenses correctly. If you do not track your business expenses you could be throwing out your hard earned money. When tax time rolls around, you and your accountant will be glad you did. That's because some of your expenses may be tax deductable.
Readymade garments
An easy way to track your expenses is to take any receipt you get and place it in a folder. Then set a time once a week to go through that folder and add them to your accounting software. I usually do mine on Sunday morning for an hour or too. It works well for me.
Secondly, you should keep detailed customer records. Remember, freelancing is about building relationships with your clients so they come back to you and give you more work. So it's important to keep pertinent information about them so you can market your services to them again.
For example, you can keep the basic demographic information (name, address, phone and email). Keep in mind, customers like it and start trusting you when they realize you know about their business. You should keep notes of the projects you completed for them. This way when you follow up you are well informed when you set up a proposal for more business from your client.
Readymade garments
Common Ways of Spreading the Word About Your Freelancing Activities
Freelancers are people who choose to work in the self-employment mode rather than be part of a company or a corporation. Freelancing is very often associated with home businesses and this is usually the way it all starts. If you have good work experience, skills and time availability, then, freelancing could be a part time job or a full time occupation. One of the most common ways of spreading the word about your freelancing activities is by using a freelance directory. The information available with such online pages represents a form of rudimentary advertising, corresponding to the classifieds in newspapers.
PPC Advertising Networks
Once the ads are posted in the freelance directories, they can be accessed by employers and be used as a ground for a business contract. The freelance directory has become a very useful tool for lots of companies need collaborations with part-time workers that cost them little. There are less taxes to pay and no health insurance policies and holiday leaves to cover. An independent worker can also rely on a freelance directory to contact other service providers in his/her field of activity, for possible work relationships or associations.
Submission is not limited to one freelance directory only, there are many such web pages, but you need to choose those that are most relevant for the market you want to target: local, regional, national or international. There is a monthly fee required for freelance directory submission but the payment policy depends from case to case, and you can even get free access to the pages. The best recommendation is to use not just one single freelance directory but more, because the dissemination of information is vital for business growth and success. You can register with certain sites and access their FAQs questions to learn how they operate. A warning sign is necessary here, as you should not expect to achieve an astounding business success just a day or two after the submission of your details to the directory.
On the long run, the use of the freelance directories should be profitable, but business success may come from other sources too. Good projects, on time completion, meeting the deadlines, providing guarantees, working with a recognized intermediary, all these make other viable ways of increasing the chances of your freelance occupation. Consequently, the fair conclusion to draw here is that no opportunity to advertise your freelancing work should be wasted. Who knows where success may come from!
Many information
PPC Advertising Networks
Once the ads are posted in the freelance directories, they can be accessed by employers and be used as a ground for a business contract. The freelance directory has become a very useful tool for lots of companies need collaborations with part-time workers that cost them little. There are less taxes to pay and no health insurance policies and holiday leaves to cover. An independent worker can also rely on a freelance directory to contact other service providers in his/her field of activity, for possible work relationships or associations.
Submission is not limited to one freelance directory only, there are many such web pages, but you need to choose those that are most relevant for the market you want to target: local, regional, national or international. There is a monthly fee required for freelance directory submission but the payment policy depends from case to case, and you can even get free access to the pages. The best recommendation is to use not just one single freelance directory but more, because the dissemination of information is vital for business growth and success. You can register with certain sites and access their FAQs questions to learn how they operate. A warning sign is necessary here, as you should not expect to achieve an astounding business success just a day or two after the submission of your details to the directory.
On the long run, the use of the freelance directories should be profitable, but business success may come from other sources too. Good projects, on time completion, meeting the deadlines, providing guarantees, working with a recognized intermediary, all these make other viable ways of increasing the chances of your freelance occupation. Consequently, the fair conclusion to draw here is that no opportunity to advertise your freelancing work should be wasted. Who knows where success may come from!
Many information
Why Online Freelance Writing?
It's easy to get started as a freelance writer, especially when you are offering your services primarily online. Providing a service is possibly the easiest - and fastest - way to earn money. When combined with the internet's reach to millions of potential clients, breaking into the business is fairly straightforward - provided you have a plan.
Writers In-Demand
But why begin online freelance writing? One reason many people find writing so intriguing is because you don't have to have "credentials" or an ivy-league education to be capable of providing clients with good content. You can easily leverage your own background (whether from work, school, or hobbies) to serve as a great foundation for writing.
Content powers the web, and freelancers who can produce high quality written content on time are in high demand. Online freelancers are called upon to promote products and generate other kinds of content for websites. Even the rise of video on the web has not impacted the demand for the written word, as writers are still needed to produce scripts for video voice-overs, for example.
Additionally, startup costs are low for new online freelance writers. It's entirely possible to start earning money online with only a humble outlay of cash - sometimes none at all. The marketing you do for your services, in the form of advertising costs and other fees, will comprise most of your startup costs.
The Life of a Freelance Writer
Getting new clients sounds like a challenge, but it is generally lot easier than it sounds. Since freelance writers are highly sought after, sometimes all you have to do is announce your availability and you'll get writing jobs. And, of course, sometimes it's not quite so easy - particularly if you want to get paid a reasonable amount. It helps to have a good marketing strategy in mind.
The actual day-to-day work of a freelance writer is easy - and often fun. It should be fairly obvious that sitting at home and typing away on your computer is considerably easier than digging ditches. And, when you're working on a project that is of personal interest to you, you may actually find it hard to step away from the work!
What's more, you can make a lot of money through online freelance writing... sometimes a shocking amount. Earning a comfortable living is really quite easy as a freelance writer, and with a little more effort, making six figures or more is certainly within reach.
Writers In-Demand
But why begin online freelance writing? One reason many people find writing so intriguing is because you don't have to have "credentials" or an ivy-league education to be capable of providing clients with good content. You can easily leverage your own background (whether from work, school, or hobbies) to serve as a great foundation for writing.
Content powers the web, and freelancers who can produce high quality written content on time are in high demand. Online freelancers are called upon to promote products and generate other kinds of content for websites. Even the rise of video on the web has not impacted the demand for the written word, as writers are still needed to produce scripts for video voice-overs, for example.
Additionally, startup costs are low for new online freelance writers. It's entirely possible to start earning money online with only a humble outlay of cash - sometimes none at all. The marketing you do for your services, in the form of advertising costs and other fees, will comprise most of your startup costs.
The Life of a Freelance Writer
Getting new clients sounds like a challenge, but it is generally lot easier than it sounds. Since freelance writers are highly sought after, sometimes all you have to do is announce your availability and you'll get writing jobs. And, of course, sometimes it's not quite so easy - particularly if you want to get paid a reasonable amount. It helps to have a good marketing strategy in mind.
The actual day-to-day work of a freelance writer is easy - and often fun. It should be fairly obvious that sitting at home and typing away on your computer is considerably easier than digging ditches. And, when you're working on a project that is of personal interest to you, you may actually find it hard to step away from the work!
What's more, you can make a lot of money through online freelance writing... sometimes a shocking amount. Earning a comfortable living is really quite easy as a freelance writer, and with a little more effort, making six figures or more is certainly within reach.
Monday, August 10, 2009
The List-Builder Traffic Strategy I was first introduced to list builders when I bought Ewen Chia’s Secret Affiliate Weapon course
Google adsense
over a year ago, and it still has great value today. (How could it
not be at only $9?) He mentioned a couple of the free resources below and said
that we should strategically link them so one list builder feeds two others, and
they circle around and around until you’ve built up so many affiliates underneath
you that you’ll never have to pay for traffic again. It was quite a headfull to me at
the time.
He was right, of course. However, for me the overall process was much too slow.
Also, what goes unsaid is that you’ll have to find a lot of constant traffic to stick in
the front of this funnel to begin with, and you’ll be doing busy work throughout
having to send out emails weekly or even every other day to each of your lists.
Well, although there’s no way around having to find upfront traffic and emailing,
you can always use the ads given by the other builders to email to your lists to
save time.
The issue of finding tr affic is one that we can definitely improve on right now, as
is the overall amount of time it takes to finish the whole process. With the
instructions below you’ll be able to use some or all of your 100,983 visitors to
build your lists with, which when done correctly, will turn into a constant stream of
excellent traffic that will be there for the rest of your life.
Finishing the whole process is undoubtedly a long-term strategy; one where
momentum has to be built because of the way these program’s MLM-like
structures work. But they do work, given time, and they have an exponential
effect. I call this “Compounding traffic”, because it ultimately yields a huge list,
AND a steady, hands-free traffic flow that you could never fully use yourself.
*Luke’s FREE Recipe for Compounding Traffic*
(Freshly updated for June 2007!)
Step 1. Install
the best two “Adbars”
Instant Buzz
Free Traffic Bar
You may have seen the earlier versions of this process, whic h I’m sure have
been modified hundreds of times over the past couple of years. They usually
include some kind of surfing exchange wher e you earn hits to your website by
spending your time surfing other websites. I believe
Traffic G
, and
Traffic Pods
are the most famous of that group these days, and you may want to
investigate those to add them to your initial traffic generation strategy.
Any form of traffic at all is fine for this first step, as long as it’s free, because this
is strictly a BULK strategy… No paying for any of this, alright? The two Adbars
I’m suggesting to you here have been carefully chosen, and don’t require you to
spend any time on anything you’re not already doing. They look a lot like the
Google toolbar for Firefox or IE browsers, except for the fact that they display
small text advertisements directly on them.
Doing this is vital for your long term traffic growth plans, as it represents the TOP
of your traffic funnel… The SOURCE of your leads. (Of course we can
supplement them in the beginning with our 100,983 visitors….)
These two AdBars somehow manage to be the least intrusive, most effective,
and, oddly enough, the most entertaining Ad services that I’ve found.
(Sometimes the ads are simply hilarious… All during November 2006 there was
a guy seriously trying to sell immortality rings on Instant Buzz!)
The best thing is of course that you don’t have to do anything like go out of your
way to a website you don’t want to see… There are no timers, no pressure at all,
just some funny or interesting ads at the top of your browser window whenever &
wherever you surf.
Every page you visit after loading these two free services gives you an Ad credit
towards your ads being shown to others. Your ads are displayed more and more
when you refer others to sign up under you. If they upgrade to premium services,
you get huge commissions. Best of all, loading both of these Adbars at the same
time gives you twice the credits when you surf!
Step 2:
Sign-up for
Track That Ad
This great service by Craig Haywood is almost too good to be true. I first heard
about it because they promoted their system’s ability to send your website “500
extra unique targeted visitors each and every day” as a free member… This
could actually happen, but traffic generation is not even their main service!
They also offer a great, automated, multi-tiered list building service for free, but
that isn’t the main service either!
Track That Ad is primarily a free ad-tracking service, where they generate links
for you to track all of your different ad campaigns with. This can be used for any
purpose such as gathering demographics, split testing, URL shortening, and
even just knowing which of your ads are the most effective.
This kind of service costs hefty monthly fees elsewhere (or is a huge server-side
script you’ll have to buy & install) but it’s totally free here. I can’t recommend it
highly enough, for all three purposes. You can click below to start your free
membership, which is a fully functional version:
Track That Ad
– Free Membership
I’ve even made one last film for you showing you exactly how to use Ad Tracking
services, featuring TrackThatAd:
How to Track Your Links Effectively for Free
Once you’ve got Ad tracking down, allow me a word about your email account
before we continue:
You’ll definitely want to set aside a mailbox for your list building campaigns…
a ‘throw-away’ account, because you’ll need to access it quite often. You
need an account set aside for this purpose and none other because you’ll
eventually be getting 50 or so emails per day and you won’t be able to find
anything else that goes in there.
(If you think that’s bad, you should try using a safelist program…)
I suggest opening a new, searchable mailbox like Gmail. Stay away from Yahoo
and Hotmail accounts as they are not accepted in some list building programs.
Sign up for all 3 of the following free list-building services.
I highly recommend that you sign up for all three of the following services, which I
have tested well and are the best out of many to be proven performers.
Each of the following three services can help you generate many more email
subscribers than you could possibly reach on your own, each in its own, different
way. They have different program specifics, but all let you build a downline 10 or
20 levels deep, which can exponentially multiply the size and/or frequency of
your mail-out allowance with them.
Downlines are the key
… I hope I don’t sound like I’m these guys’ paid
campaign manager, but it is true. It’s just like how the real winners in Vegas are
the little old ladies who spend tons on the slot machine over years, despite
breaking even every time. They win by getting all those perks such as the room
upgrades, free food, and entertainment.
With these programs, it’s all about how you compound your list quickly, therefore
I always look out for the programs with the best downline benefits.
Sign up for List Joe here
Sign up for List dot com here
Sign up for List lotto here
List Joe is the first here because it will help you build your ListDotCom downline
automatically by introducing those prospects from inside your List Joe account.
For that reason I like to make sure that I send
through LJ before they
get out of the traffic funnel. (Keeping all available traffic pointed at LJ until all four
downlines are full!)
I’ve charted the whole process, how it looks from a bird’s eye view for those of us
who are visually oriented…
Keep in mind that you’d never have all flows of traffic going at the same time; the
chart simply shows the direction of traffic when it does flow.
Step 4. Start putting it all together.
Now that you’ve signed up for everything, you
start out by using only traffic
from Instant Buzz & Free Traffic Bar alone, although it is much faster to point
your autosurfs to them too, and maybe even do some manual surfing to
supplement those two sources.
The smartest plan would be to use some other traffic you might have access to,
to build your IBuzz and FTBar downlines first, so they can be the source for most
of your traffic later.
It wouldn’t make too much sense to spread out your traffic to other sources
during step four, but if you’ve got to get traffic to your site, send some traffic that
way, splitting all of your traffic among the three, perhaps equally.
Step 5. Sending Traffic to Track That Ad (TTA).
Once you’ve got a decent-sized downline
producing surplus flow
from IBuzz and
FTBar, let your downline in those finish building themselves while you redirect all
free traffic to the next target, TrackThatAd.
TTA is a jack-of-all-trades site that will bring you money, build your list, and
output more traffic than you can put into it down the road! Be sure to use this to
its fullest before moving on. (Again, you can send traffic to your website at the
same time if necessary.)
It is hard to say at what point, exactly, you’ll no longer need to send any of your
traffic to a particular program. Some would instruct to cut it off when you see the
bottom level start to get filled, some say much later.
It really depends on the specific program and when you feel that additional traffic
doesn’t help as muc h as it used to…. That’s good enough, because your
downline will keep growing without your help at that advanced stage. At that
point, discontinue sending traffic there and divert your surfers to the next
program that needs it.
Step 6. Time to start writing Ads!
One of your heavyweight tools inside of TTA is a listbuilder, and from this point
forward your main services will all be listbuilding services of some kind. You’ll
need to get used to writing or using Solo ads to be sent to and for each.
This is the step that causes the most anxiety in people. Although it’s completely
free and easy to do, no one wants to write to large numbers of people. I guess
it’s like public speaking… Luckily you’ll find that most of these services have a
“Promotional” section of some kind on their website, where they actually write
their own Ad copy for you!
Simply go to the site that you are promoting, find the promotional section, copy
the Ad or Ads that feel best for your need, and paste it/them into a text editor like
to get them into the right format.
Then all you have to do is tie them together, write a sentence or more of Intro,
and send the finished product out to your list! It really couldn’t be much easier,
you just have to start writing with what they give you and the rest will flow from
your keyboard easily.
Any time you have something to say on the topic of your niche, to make your
mailing more like useful content than sales pitch, that’s a major plus… But not
even necessary for this step.
And don’t forget to Personalize! It’s never too early to start building up your name
recognition. –I always sign the bottom of every email I send, and I don’t trust
emails without someone being responsible for them at all.
Step 7. Send Traffic to all the List builders in sequence.
Once Track That Ad’s downline is nearly filled, you’ll have a lot more traffic, and it
will be time to direct it toward all the list builders, starting with ListJoe.
Since the purpose of our traffic is now to create subscribers, there’s no longer a
reason to concentrate on fewer targets. I would say that you can have your traffic
as spread out as you’d like, if it weren’t for the unique properties of ListJoe
automatically signing up your downline into your other list builders. (They don’t
currently include List Lotto at this time, but of course you can always email your
LJ downline and tell them about it, as well as send out the LL promotional
material in your allotted list sending.)
With LJ getting the bulk of your traffic for now, it will fill up even faster than TTA
did. Meanwhile, the other listbuilder LJ points to will fill up at the same time,
This is a major bonus of the system that I wish all list builder programs would add
in. I guess some of them have competition issues that keep them from teaming
up like that, but it’s holding us back as long as they continue (in my humble
The ListDotCom does a better job of list building for me with less mailbox hassle,
so I’m sure that it’ll fill up your downline before ListLotto, unless, naturally, you hit
their “Jackpot.” List Lotto leaves a lot to chance by design.
Naturally, y ou’ll have to spend more time sending traffic to List Lotto at this point
because it wasn’t easily referenced by List Joe.
Step 8. Sending traffic to your own List.
With all of the downlines under each program completely built up to and including
List Lotto, your ability to send emails out to mailboxes around the planet will be a
thing. There’s just one problem, namely these lists you have access
to won’t be YOUR lists.
What if some of these companies go out of business? What if the email tax finally
arrives? What if you already have your own list? YOU NEED TO GET THESE
The most obvious way to consolidate the lists onto yours is to simply pitch your
own list from those, and even offer a bribe to get them to sign up for your list if
you have to… Give them some reason to jump over… But not too much of a
reason or you’ll wind up with a list full of deadbeats who never buy anything.
A membership site works just as well as a subscriber list as well, especially if
they have to pay something to get inside. Members of a membership site don’t
unsubscribe without canceling their membership, so it’s technically a much better
way to own a list. (Although there is a steep tech learning curve.)
But by that point you’ll have traffic flowing out of your ears! You’ll officially be a
super-affiliate. Perhaps even a semi-Guru. And nothing will ever be able to take it
away from you.
A quick note about Premium Services. (Upgrades)
All of the six resources I’ve mentioned here were chosen because they are both
effective and free. However, the owners of them aren’t dumb, they still need to
eat, so they have premium upgrades that they offer to free members in order to
pay their bills, and some of them can be quite tempting.
I personally invested in the upgrades that I felt would help me achieve my goals
faster, which is not all of them. I really hate to pay for anything when I know so
much stuff on the net is free these days… Maybe that’s just me.
If you want to upgrade as many services as you can, while paying as little for it all
as possible, I suggest taking advantage of the offers that assist each other.
For instance,
Ewen Chia’s
Secret Affiliate Weapon
, for $9, includes a
lifetime “elite” upgrade to Instant Buzz. Meanwhile, if you purchase the premium
upgrade for TrackThatAd, it includes a generous 100,000 impressions in IB as
well! (this is probably the one upgrade I’d recommend to everyone, as TTA offers
something for everyone, and it’s just a very, very good value.
I’m sure other interlinked networks have formed like this too, so you’ve got to find
and grab them when you see them. If you c an spare the time, that is. It has been
a while since I’ve signed up for most of these services, so I’m not in a position to
say which offers which bonuses for which… Perhaps one of my readers will write
a big report on that subject.
In the final building stage of this traffic funnel process, With all downlines filled on
all list and traffic builders, the obvious conclusion is simply to point all of these
traffic sources at your home website, list, or product ever afterwards… Of course
we are easily talking about MILLIONS of visitors monthly at that point, so I hope
you plan on monetizing it well.
Google Inc. is still working on ways to monetize it well themselves.
So, which methods are best for me?
Choosing the right tactic for your current needs is always the most important
question to ask. First of all you have to ask yourself if you really should be using
free traffic at all, or would an inexpensive but paid (and measurable) type of
traffic, such as an AdWords campaign be better. That is, after all, what the
corporations use.
But if you’ve simply got no budget at all then it boils down to how targeted you
need your traffic to be (Quality) & how soon you need them to show up on your
site. (Time to delivery) That’s why I put the indicators on each review here.
The third indicator, “Quantity” of visitors, is to be thought of as a ‘power’
rating… It is assumed that everyone wants as many people as possible
So, simply set aside the quantity rating for a moment, and make a note of all the
listings in here that you can live with the Quality and Time to delivery on. A few,
like Directory submissions, should be done anyway, regardless of your other
campaigns… They act as a foundation for all future traffic with the search
engines. Other than those no-brainers, you should take that list that you’ve
weeded down to and then look at the quantity score… The one with the most
little guys there should be tried first!
If one doesn’t work for you, then simply move down the list until you find one that
fits your unique skills and abilities the best. That’s really what this whole game is
about, not just raising traffic, but YOU raising traffic, which means you’re limited
to your own set of skills and preferences. As are we all.
Personally I have no patience for traffic exchanges but I can write ads or articles
better than most. Many out there find writing a horrible experience, but can
generate traffic faster than I can with exchanges alone. So it’s all up to your
preferences, although I’ve done my best in this encyclopedia to measure all else
over a year ago, and it still has great value today. (How could it
not be at only $9?) He mentioned a couple of the free resources below and said
that we should strategically link them so one list builder feeds two others, and
they circle around and around until you’ve built up so many affiliates underneath
you that you’ll never have to pay for traffic again. It was quite a headfull to me at
the time.
He was right, of course. However, for me the overall process was much too slow.
Also, what goes unsaid is that you’ll have to find a lot of constant traffic to stick in
the front of this funnel to begin with, and you’ll be doing busy work throughout
having to send out emails weekly or even every other day to each of your lists.
Well, although there’s no way around having to find upfront traffic and emailing,
you can always use the ads given by the other builders to email to your lists to
save time.
The issue of finding tr affic is one that we can definitely improve on right now, as
is the overall amount of time it takes to finish the whole process. With the
instructions below you’ll be able to use some or all of your 100,983 visitors to
build your lists with, which when done correctly, will turn into a constant stream of
excellent traffic that will be there for the rest of your life.
Finishing the whole process is undoubtedly a long-term strategy; one where
momentum has to be built because of the way these program’s MLM-like
structures work. But they do work, given time, and they have an exponential
effect. I call this “Compounding traffic”, because it ultimately yields a huge list,
AND a steady, hands-free traffic flow that you could never fully use yourself.
*Luke’s FREE Recipe for Compounding Traffic*
(Freshly updated for June 2007!)
Step 1. Install
the best two “Adbars”
Instant Buzz
Free Traffic Bar
You may have seen the earlier versions of this process, whic h I’m sure have
been modified hundreds of times over the past couple of years. They usually
include some kind of surfing exchange wher e you earn hits to your website by
spending your time surfing other websites. I believe
Traffic G
, and
Traffic Pods
are the most famous of that group these days, and you may want to
investigate those to add them to your initial traffic generation strategy.
Any form of traffic at all is fine for this first step, as long as it’s free, because this
is strictly a BULK strategy… No paying for any of this, alright? The two Adbars
I’m suggesting to you here have been carefully chosen, and don’t require you to
spend any time on anything you’re not already doing. They look a lot like the
Google toolbar for Firefox or IE browsers, except for the fact that they display
small text advertisements directly on them.
Doing this is vital for your long term traffic growth plans, as it represents the TOP
of your traffic funnel… The SOURCE of your leads. (Of course we can
supplement them in the beginning with our 100,983 visitors….)
These two AdBars somehow manage to be the least intrusive, most effective,
and, oddly enough, the most entertaining Ad services that I’ve found.
(Sometimes the ads are simply hilarious… All during November 2006 there was
a guy seriously trying to sell immortality rings on Instant Buzz!)
The best thing is of course that you don’t have to do anything like go out of your
way to a website you don’t want to see… There are no timers, no pressure at all,
just some funny or interesting ads at the top of your browser window whenever &
wherever you surf.
Every page you visit after loading these two free services gives you an Ad credit
towards your ads being shown to others. Your ads are displayed more and more
when you refer others to sign up under you. If they upgrade to premium services,
you get huge commissions. Best of all, loading both of these Adbars at the same
time gives you twice the credits when you surf!
Step 2:
Sign-up for
Track That Ad
This great service by Craig Haywood is almost too good to be true. I first heard
about it because they promoted their system’s ability to send your website “500
extra unique targeted visitors each and every day” as a free member… This
could actually happen, but traffic generation is not even their main service!
They also offer a great, automated, multi-tiered list building service for free, but
that isn’t the main service either!
Track That Ad is primarily a free ad-tracking service, where they generate links
for you to track all of your different ad campaigns with. This can be used for any
purpose such as gathering demographics, split testing, URL shortening, and
even just knowing which of your ads are the most effective.
This kind of service costs hefty monthly fees elsewhere (or is a huge server-side
script you’ll have to buy & install) but it’s totally free here. I can’t recommend it
highly enough, for all three purposes. You can click below to start your free
membership, which is a fully functional version:
Track That Ad
– Free Membership
I’ve even made one last film for you showing you exactly how to use Ad Tracking
services, featuring TrackThatAd:
How to Track Your Links Effectively for Free
Once you’ve got Ad tracking down, allow me a word about your email account
before we continue:
You’ll definitely want to set aside a mailbox for your list building campaigns…
a ‘throw-away’ account, because you’ll need to access it quite often. You
need an account set aside for this purpose and none other because you’ll
eventually be getting 50 or so emails per day and you won’t be able to find
anything else that goes in there.
(If you think that’s bad, you should try using a safelist program…)
I suggest opening a new, searchable mailbox like Gmail. Stay away from Yahoo
and Hotmail accounts as they are not accepted in some list building programs.
Sign up for all 3 of the following free list-building services.
I highly recommend that you sign up for all three of the following services, which I
have tested well and are the best out of many to be proven performers.
Each of the following three services can help you generate many more email
subscribers than you could possibly reach on your own, each in its own, different
way. They have different program specifics, but all let you build a downline 10 or
20 levels deep, which can exponentially multiply the size and/or frequency of
your mail-out allowance with them.
Downlines are the key
… I hope I don’t sound like I’m these guys’ paid
campaign manager, but it is true. It’s just like how the real winners in Vegas are
the little old ladies who spend tons on the slot machine over years, despite
breaking even every time. They win by getting all those perks such as the room
upgrades, free food, and entertainment.
With these programs, it’s all about how you compound your list quickly, therefore
I always look out for the programs with the best downline benefits.
Sign up for List Joe here
Sign up for List dot com here
Sign up for List lotto here
List Joe is the first here because it will help you build your ListDotCom downline
automatically by introducing those prospects from inside your List Joe account.
For that reason I like to make sure that I send
through LJ before they
get out of the traffic funnel. (Keeping all available traffic pointed at LJ until all four
downlines are full!)
I’ve charted the whole process, how it looks from a bird’s eye view for those of us
who are visually oriented…
Keep in mind that you’d never have all flows of traffic going at the same time; the
chart simply shows the direction of traffic when it does flow.
Step 4. Start putting it all together.
Now that you’ve signed up for everything, you
start out by using only traffic
from Instant Buzz & Free Traffic Bar alone, although it is much faster to point
your autosurfs to them too, and maybe even do some manual surfing to
supplement those two sources.
The smartest plan would be to use some other traffic you might have access to,
to build your IBuzz and FTBar downlines first, so they can be the source for most
of your traffic later.
It wouldn’t make too much sense to spread out your traffic to other sources
during step four, but if you’ve got to get traffic to your site, send some traffic that
way, splitting all of your traffic among the three, perhaps equally.
Step 5. Sending Traffic to Track That Ad (TTA).
Once you’ve got a decent-sized downline
producing surplus flow
from IBuzz and
FTBar, let your downline in those finish building themselves while you redirect all
free traffic to the next target, TrackThatAd.
TTA is a jack-of-all-trades site that will bring you money, build your list, and
output more traffic than you can put into it down the road! Be sure to use this to
its fullest before moving on. (Again, you can send traffic to your website at the
same time if necessary.)
It is hard to say at what point, exactly, you’ll no longer need to send any of your
traffic to a particular program. Some would instruct to cut it off when you see the
bottom level start to get filled, some say much later.
It really depends on the specific program and when you feel that additional traffic
doesn’t help as muc h as it used to…. That’s good enough, because your
downline will keep growing without your help at that advanced stage. At that
point, discontinue sending traffic there and divert your surfers to the next
program that needs it.
Step 6. Time to start writing Ads!
One of your heavyweight tools inside of TTA is a listbuilder, and from this point
forward your main services will all be listbuilding services of some kind. You’ll
need to get used to writing or using Solo ads to be sent to and for each.
This is the step that causes the most anxiety in people. Although it’s completely
free and easy to do, no one wants to write to large numbers of people. I guess
it’s like public speaking… Luckily you’ll find that most of these services have a
“Promotional” section of some kind on their website, where they actually write
their own Ad copy for you!
Simply go to the site that you are promoting, find the promotional section, copy
the Ad or Ads that feel best for your need, and paste it/them into a text editor like
to get them into the right format.
Then all you have to do is tie them together, write a sentence or more of Intro,
and send the finished product out to your list! It really couldn’t be much easier,
you just have to start writing with what they give you and the rest will flow from
your keyboard easily.
Any time you have something to say on the topic of your niche, to make your
mailing more like useful content than sales pitch, that’s a major plus… But not
even necessary for this step.
And don’t forget to Personalize! It’s never too early to start building up your name
recognition. –I always sign the bottom of every email I send, and I don’t trust
emails without someone being responsible for them at all.
Step 7. Send Traffic to all the List builders in sequence.
Once Track That Ad’s downline is nearly filled, you’ll have a lot more traffic, and it
will be time to direct it toward all the list builders, starting with ListJoe.
Since the purpose of our traffic is now to create subscribers, there’s no longer a
reason to concentrate on fewer targets. I would say that you can have your traffic
as spread out as you’d like, if it weren’t for the unique properties of ListJoe
automatically signing up your downline into your other list builders. (They don’t
currently include List Lotto at this time, but of course you can always email your
LJ downline and tell them about it, as well as send out the LL promotional
material in your allotted list sending.)
With LJ getting the bulk of your traffic for now, it will fill up even faster than TTA
did. Meanwhile, the other listbuilder LJ points to will fill up at the same time,
This is a major bonus of the system that I wish all list builder programs would add
in. I guess some of them have competition issues that keep them from teaming
up like that, but it’s holding us back as long as they continue (in my humble
The ListDotCom does a better job of list building for me with less mailbox hassle,
so I’m sure that it’ll fill up your downline before ListLotto, unless, naturally, you hit
their “Jackpot.” List Lotto leaves a lot to chance by design.
Naturally, y ou’ll have to spend more time sending traffic to List Lotto at this point
because it wasn’t easily referenced by List Joe.
Step 8. Sending traffic to your own List.
With all of the downlines under each program completely built up to and including
List Lotto, your ability to send emails out to mailboxes around the planet will be a
thing. There’s just one problem, namely these lists you have access
to won’t be YOUR lists.
What if some of these companies go out of business? What if the email tax finally
arrives? What if you already have your own list? YOU NEED TO GET THESE
The most obvious way to consolidate the lists onto yours is to simply pitch your
own list from those, and even offer a bribe to get them to sign up for your list if
you have to… Give them some reason to jump over… But not too much of a
reason or you’ll wind up with a list full of deadbeats who never buy anything.
A membership site works just as well as a subscriber list as well, especially if
they have to pay something to get inside. Members of a membership site don’t
unsubscribe without canceling their membership, so it’s technically a much better
way to own a list. (Although there is a steep tech learning curve.)
But by that point you’ll have traffic flowing out of your ears! You’ll officially be a
super-affiliate. Perhaps even a semi-Guru. And nothing will ever be able to take it
away from you.
A quick note about Premium Services. (Upgrades)
All of the six resources I’ve mentioned here were chosen because they are both
effective and free. However, the owners of them aren’t dumb, they still need to
eat, so they have premium upgrades that they offer to free members in order to
pay their bills, and some of them can be quite tempting.
I personally invested in the upgrades that I felt would help me achieve my goals
faster, which is not all of them. I really hate to pay for anything when I know so
much stuff on the net is free these days… Maybe that’s just me.
If you want to upgrade as many services as you can, while paying as little for it all
as possible, I suggest taking advantage of the offers that assist each other.
For instance,
Ewen Chia’s
Secret Affiliate Weapon
, for $9, includes a
lifetime “elite” upgrade to Instant Buzz. Meanwhile, if you purchase the premium
upgrade for TrackThatAd, it includes a generous 100,000 impressions in IB as
well! (this is probably the one upgrade I’d recommend to everyone, as TTA offers
something for everyone, and it’s just a very, very good value.
I’m sure other interlinked networks have formed like this too, so you’ve got to find
and grab them when you see them. If you c an spare the time, that is. It has been
a while since I’ve signed up for most of these services, so I’m not in a position to
say which offers which bonuses for which… Perhaps one of my readers will write
a big report on that subject.
In the final building stage of this traffic funnel process, With all downlines filled on
all list and traffic builders, the obvious conclusion is simply to point all of these
traffic sources at your home website, list, or product ever afterwards… Of course
we are easily talking about MILLIONS of visitors monthly at that point, so I hope
you plan on monetizing it well.
Google Inc. is still working on ways to monetize it well themselves.
So, which methods are best for me?
Choosing the right tactic for your current needs is always the most important
question to ask. First of all you have to ask yourself if you really should be using
free traffic at all, or would an inexpensive but paid (and measurable) type of
traffic, such as an AdWords campaign be better. That is, after all, what the
corporations use.
But if you’ve simply got no budget at all then it boils down to how targeted you
need your traffic to be (Quality) & how soon you need them to show up on your
site. (Time to delivery) That’s why I put the indicators on each review here.
The third indicator, “Quantity” of visitors, is to be thought of as a ‘power’
rating… It is assumed that everyone wants as many people as possible
So, simply set aside the quantity rating for a moment, and make a note of all the
listings in here that you can live with the Quality and Time to delivery on. A few,
like Directory submissions, should be done anyway, regardless of your other
campaigns… They act as a foundation for all future traffic with the search
engines. Other than those no-brainers, you should take that list that you’ve
weeded down to and then look at the quantity score… The one with the most
little guys there should be tried first!
If one doesn’t work for you, then simply move down the list until you find one that
fits your unique skills and abilities the best. That’s really what this whole game is
about, not just raising traffic, but YOU raising traffic, which means you’re limited
to your own set of skills and preferences. As are we all.
Personally I have no patience for traffic exchanges but I can write ads or articles
better than most. Many out there find writing a horrible experience, but can
generate traffic faster than I can with exchanges alone. So it’s all up to your
preferences, although I’ve done my best in this encyclopedia to measure all else
Yahoo! Search Marketing
Just like with the MSN AdCenter program, Y!SM has
occasional freebies too for new members. I found one for you
all, this time, worth $25 to any new sign-ups.
Simply go to
, and click at the bottom where it says “Suggest a Site.”
The page will then take you to an account login screen if you’re not already
logged in. Do so, and then the next screen will be the familiar website URL
suggestion form. (You ARE submitting your urllist.txt sitemap here, right?)
On that very page, at the bottom, there is a $25 credit link for Y! Search
Marketing. (Until this offer is gone, but I bet it will last a while.)
Like MSN AdCenter, Y!SM requires a $5 deposit. Unfortunately, the Y!SM
minimum bid is higher than anyone else’s at $0.10 per click!
Still, bec ause of this higher entry barrier and lesser popularity than AdWords, this
can still equal upwards of 20-75 highly targeted visitors to your site.
Web Search engine
occasional freebies too for new members. I found one for you
all, this time, worth $25 to any new sign-ups.
Simply go to
, and click at the bottom where it says “Suggest a Site.”
The page will then take you to an account login screen if you’re not already
logged in. Do so, and then the next screen will be the familiar website URL
suggestion form. (You ARE submitting your urllist.txt sitemap here, right?)
On that very page, at the bottom, there is a $25 credit link for Y! Search
Marketing. (Until this offer is gone, but I bet it will last a while.)
Like MSN AdCenter, Y!SM requires a $5 deposit. Unfortunately, the Y!SM
minimum bid is higher than anyone else’s at $0.10 per click!
Still, bec ause of this higher entry barrier and lesser popularity than AdWords, this
can still equal upwards of 20-75 highly targeted visitors to your site.
Web Search engine
Yahoo! Groups
Despite their no-marketing policies on many of the boards
there, many have found an effective way to market through
Yahoo! Groups that doesn’t seem spammy.
They simply network. It’s a little more time-consuming than posting an Ad and
moving on, but it has worked since the dawn of Commerce and works here in
online channels too.
Since there are uncountable thousands of groups to choose from, you’re sure to
find one on your niche topic to join and participate in. The majority of Yahoo!
Groups out there are open to any new members who simply confirm their email
addresses. Once in, all you really have to do to take advantage of all these
prospects is to talk about your shared interest with them. Don’t tell everyone what
you do up front unless you’ve found one of those rare few groups that are just for
networking businesspeople. (Those will have hundreds of posts a day though,
operating much like a Safelist. No one reads all of that stuff!)
There are some groups that let you just post your ads as long as you put some
thought into it, not simply pasting a link and moving on. Other groups are more
restrictive, it’s up to the group owners to set those preferences.
The problem with the less restrictive groups is of course that fewer people
actually read the posts, so what you want is to find the happy medium boards,
halfway between “all postings ok” and “restrictive.” Inside any group you would
want to join, you will do best to try and answer the question someone else asks
with your business being part of the solution.
In case this sounds familiar, it’s exactly like Forum marketing. Never sound
spam y, offer help and advice, and only market when it’s part of a solution to
someone else’s question.
Go to
to get started. It’s a huge place but well worth
the effort in any niche where people want to get familiar with other people before
buying from them.
there, many have found an effective way to market through
Yahoo! Groups that doesn’t seem spammy.
They simply network. It’s a little more time-consuming than posting an Ad and
moving on, but it has worked since the dawn of Commerce and works here in
online channels too.
Since there are uncountable thousands of groups to choose from, you’re sure to
find one on your niche topic to join and participate in. The majority of Yahoo!
Groups out there are open to any new members who simply confirm their email
addresses. Once in, all you really have to do to take advantage of all these
prospects is to talk about your shared interest with them. Don’t tell everyone what
you do up front unless you’ve found one of those rare few groups that are just for
networking businesspeople. (Those will have hundreds of posts a day though,
operating much like a Safelist. No one reads all of that stuff!)
There are some groups that let you just post your ads as long as you put some
thought into it, not simply pasting a link and moving on. Other groups are more
restrictive, it’s up to the group owners to set those preferences.
The problem with the less restrictive groups is of course that fewer people
actually read the posts, so what you want is to find the happy medium boards,
halfway between “all postings ok” and “restrictive.” Inside any group you would
want to join, you will do best to try and answer the question someone else asks
with your business being part of the solution.
In case this sounds familiar, it’s exactly like Forum marketing. Never sound
spam y, offer help and advice, and only market when it’s part of a solution to
someone else’s question.
Go to
to get started. It’s a huge place but well worth
the effort in any niche where people want to get familiar with other people before
buying from them.
Y! Yahoo! Answers
I’ve been having fun while testing out this resource. It seems
that Yahoo! Answers is not a bad little way to pick up some
extra Web 2.0 traffic… Although it will never flood your site
with hungry buyers.
Head over to
sometime and give it a go just for fun.
Don’t waste your time Asking questions of course, go directly to the Open
Questions in a category that your niche market would fall under. Read through
any question titles that haven’t gone to voting yet and if your websites or
opportunity would make a good fit as an answer to their question, don’t be shy
about hopping in and letting the asker know about it.
Certainly you shouldn’t just say something obvious like: “This site has your
answer:” No, the point in Y! Answers is to give them instant
answers to their questions.
So spend a few sentences explaining it to them, and end with your link in the
resource box. That’s it, you’re done, move on to the next answer.
I have found if I spend one hour a day doing this for about a week, I can have an
initial boost of 20 site visitors a day for that week and then an ongoing 5 or so for
a long time afterwards.
Surely it’s no great flood, but these are targeted visitors that can keep coming for
a long time. –Especially when your answer is chosen as the best answer.
The only reason I only gave this free marketing method 2 stars in quality is that
these people are hardly ever in the buying mindset… So this tactic is much better
for people who are just looking to feed their AdSense farms than for those who
are doing actual sales.
Captcha solver
that Yahoo! Answers is not a bad little way to pick up some
extra Web 2.0 traffic… Although it will never flood your site
with hungry buyers.
Head over to
sometime and give it a go just for fun.
Don’t waste your time Asking questions of course, go directly to the Open
Questions in a category that your niche market would fall under. Read through
any question titles that haven’t gone to voting yet and if your websites or
opportunity would make a good fit as an answer to their question, don’t be shy
about hopping in and letting the asker know about it.
Certainly you shouldn’t just say something obvious like: “This site has your
answer:” No, the point in Y! Answers is to give them instant
answers to their questions.
So spend a few sentences explaining it to them, and end with your link in the
resource box. That’s it, you’re done, move on to the next answer.
I have found if I spend one hour a day doing this for about a week, I can have an
initial boost of 20 site visitors a day for that week and then an ongoing 5 or so for
a long time afterwards.
Surely it’s no great flood, but these are targeted visitors that can keep coming for
a long time. –Especially when your answer is chosen as the best answer.
The only reason I only gave this free marketing method 2 stars in quality is that
these people are hardly ever in the buying mindset… So this tactic is much better
for people who are just looking to feed their AdSense farms than for those who
are doing actual sales.
Captcha solver
W Web 2.0 - (An Overview)
This catchphrase describes the new & popular Social
engineering, networking, and bookmarking sites out
nowadays, such as MySpace, YouTube, Digg, Squidoo,, Fark, Furl, and so forth… There are Thousands of them now and
more growing every day.
They are broad in scope and purpose, but on a root level, they all exist so that
Humans can share & interact online. We find information more relavent when
coming from others like ourselves than if google just puked it out onto a page
after entering two little keywords…
Some Web 2.0 sites are great for us to market with, especially when they have a
large member database.
I have singled out many the best ones for our purposes as of June 2007, and you
can find them independently reviewed in other sections of this Encyclopedia.
See: “
Social Bookmarking
,” “
,” “
,” “
,” “
,” and “
Yahoo! Answers
Not only does the Web 2.0 grow daily, it is also CONSUMING Web 1.0. (All the
normal, non-interactive sites out there right now.) Informational websites that
used to be getting good traffic about their niche topics are being trounced in the
search engines for a new blog on the same topic... It’s happening daily, so the
best defense you can have is to upgrade your site to a web 2.0 interface yourself.
If nothing else, start a Blog. A self-hosted Wordpress blog is best, and they are
highly upgradeable.
So will Web 2.0 sites ever totally take over? Perhaps. Maybe web 3.0 will kick
their butts before it happens though.
The main thing that is holding web 2.0
progress back is that static websites are designed perfectly for eCommerce.
When’s the last time you gave your credit card to a Blog or SB site? I don’t really
see it happening anytime soon, so the business sites using Web 1.0 structure are
safe for now.
engineering, networking, and bookmarking sites out
nowadays, such as MySpace, YouTube, Digg, Squidoo,, Fark, Furl, and so forth… There are Thousands of them now and
more growing every day.
They are broad in scope and purpose, but on a root level, they all exist so that
Humans can share & interact online. We find information more relavent when
coming from others like ourselves than if google just puked it out onto a page
after entering two little keywords…
Some Web 2.0 sites are great for us to market with, especially when they have a
large member database.
I have singled out many the best ones for our purposes as of June 2007, and you
can find them independently reviewed in other sections of this Encyclopedia.
See: “
Social Bookmarking
,” “
,” “
,” “
,” “
,” and “
Yahoo! Answers
Not only does the Web 2.0 grow daily, it is also CONSUMING Web 1.0. (All the
normal, non-interactive sites out there right now.) Informational websites that
used to be getting good traffic about their niche topics are being trounced in the
search engines for a new blog on the same topic... It’s happening daily, so the
best defense you can have is to upgrade your site to a web 2.0 interface yourself.
If nothing else, start a Blog. A self-hosted Wordpress blog is best, and they are
highly upgradeable.
So will Web 2.0 sites ever totally take over? Perhaps. Maybe web 3.0 will kick
their butts before it happens though.
The main thing that is holding web 2.0
progress back is that static websites are designed perfectly for eCommerce.
When’s the last time you gave your credit card to a Blog or SB site? I don’t really
see it happening anytime soon, so the business sites using Web 1.0 structure are
safe for now.
Viral Marketing
You are reading a
Viral eBook right now. Wait! Get your
mouse away from your virus scan button; there is nothing
wrong or involving mischievous software in Viral marketing.
In Internet Marketing terms, any type of content that allows you to pass
incentives along is referred to as “Viral.” In this book, there are a few Affiliate
links that normally I alone would get some kind of referral fee for if you were to
click on them.
However, with the use of some special software that allows PDFs to be “Re-
Brandable” (meaning others can make the affiliate links theirs instead of mine)
I’m giving anyone who wants the ability to make some money and pass my work
along for me.
For the launch of the eBook I won’t have to do very much. I’m going to tell my list,
of course. I’m going to place it on my site and maybe send some traffic exchange
or safelist traffic to that page. Mainly, however, I’m going to get a few JV partners
to re-brand it and send it to their lists. That’s it; all my marketing will be complete.
Surely you’ve seen those ridiculous breakdowns that MLMs show you that go
something like this:
If you sign up just 3 people that all sign up just 3 people each, for ten levels
deep, you’ll get over 59,000+ referrals in your downline…”
Well, the fact is that no one can control other people that they aren’t even talking
to, so all of those plans wind up generating only a few measly people in that
person’s downline who make him a buck every other year.
With Viral Marketing, the game Is different. First of all I’m trying to do is get
people to read my words, not send me money. That’s a big difference, as every
time this eBook is on a new person’s computer, you can think of that as a person
“in my downline.”
I could get 250 MILLION people to read this book if I take it to a few Gurus with
big lists. Possibly mor e. Some of those guys have over 100,000 on their lists, and
that’s only my FIRST level. I don’t have any limit on the number of levels that this
can grow. In five or even ten years from now, the book you’re reading today
might still be spreading, passed on by a new Affiliate marketer every day
between now and then.
Actually, there are two limits to how many people will read this eBook. The
obvious one is the population of Englis h Speakers on our planet with a computer.
(I guess it COULD be translated one day…)
The other is the amount of time until the affiliate links I’ve presented in this
document are no longer valid. Someday those companies will go out of business,
or at least their affiliate programs will be removed. Either case should be a few
years at least.
Until those happen, nothing can stop someone just like you from
my rebranding kit
making the links here YOUR links, and passing it along to
make some easy cash. That means more readers for me, and more exposure to
my website. It’s a real win-win.
Back to YOUR Viral strategy, your last hurdle is that in order to make PDFs viral
(so everyone on any computer format can read them) the software will cost some
PDFs are trickier than other eBook forms, so I only know of two or three
companies that have been able to figure it out. I used
the most advanced one,
, to make this eBook. The other two I found out there were more basic,
which will either limit the number of people who can read the book, or will limit
their incentives to pass it along. If you’ve got to pay, might as well do it right.
If you are alright with only the windows crowd opening your document, then there
are several ways to make a Viral eBook for free. It will be published in .EXE
format however, so even some windows users won’t want to open an .EXE file
that no one they know has vouched for personally… Too many computer viri get
passed along that way, and some corporate networks automatically strip .exe
files from email attachments without even asking!
If you don’t think that that will scare off your crowd, such as when you will only be
offering it from your windows-user website as a direct download, then you can
give the following great free Viral eBook software a try:
For more on this subject, see “
Viral eBook right now. Wait! Get your
mouse away from your virus scan button; there is nothing
wrong or involving mischievous software in Viral marketing.
In Internet Marketing terms, any type of content that allows you to pass
incentives along is referred to as “Viral.” In this book, there are a few Affiliate
links that normally I alone would get some kind of referral fee for if you were to
click on them.
However, with the use of some special software that allows PDFs to be “Re-
Brandable” (meaning others can make the affiliate links theirs instead of mine)
I’m giving anyone who wants the ability to make some money and pass my work
along for me.
For the launch of the eBook I won’t have to do very much. I’m going to tell my list,
of course. I’m going to place it on my site and maybe send some traffic exchange
or safelist traffic to that page. Mainly, however, I’m going to get a few JV partners
to re-brand it and send it to their lists. That’s it; all my marketing will be complete.
Surely you’ve seen those ridiculous breakdowns that MLMs show you that go
something like this:
If you sign up just 3 people that all sign up just 3 people each, for ten levels
deep, you’ll get over 59,000+ referrals in your downline…”
Well, the fact is that no one can control other people that they aren’t even talking
to, so all of those plans wind up generating only a few measly people in that
person’s downline who make him a buck every other year.
With Viral Marketing, the game Is different. First of all I’m trying to do is get
people to read my words, not send me money. That’s a big difference, as every
time this eBook is on a new person’s computer, you can think of that as a person
“in my downline.”
I could get 250 MILLION people to read this book if I take it to a few Gurus with
big lists. Possibly mor e. Some of those guys have over 100,000 on their lists, and
that’s only my FIRST level. I don’t have any limit on the number of levels that this
can grow. In five or even ten years from now, the book you’re reading today
might still be spreading, passed on by a new Affiliate marketer every day
between now and then.
Actually, there are two limits to how many people will read this eBook. The
obvious one is the population of Englis h Speakers on our planet with a computer.
(I guess it COULD be translated one day…)
The other is the amount of time until the affiliate links I’ve presented in this
document are no longer valid. Someday those companies will go out of business,
or at least their affiliate programs will be removed. Either case should be a few
years at least.
Until those happen, nothing can stop someone just like you from
my rebranding kit
making the links here YOUR links, and passing it along to
make some easy cash. That means more readers for me, and more exposure to
my website. It’s a real win-win.
Back to YOUR Viral strategy, your last hurdle is that in order to make PDFs viral
(so everyone on any computer format can read them) the software will cost some
PDFs are trickier than other eBook forms, so I only know of two or three
companies that have been able to figure it out. I used
the most advanced one,
, to make this eBook. The other two I found out there were more basic,
which will either limit the number of people who can read the book, or will limit
their incentives to pass it along. If you’ve got to pay, might as well do it right.
If you are alright with only the windows crowd opening your document, then there
are several ways to make a Viral eBook for free. It will be published in .EXE
format however, so even some windows users won’t want to open an .EXE file
that no one they know has vouched for personally… Too many computer viri get
passed along that way, and some corporate networks automatically strip .exe
files from email attachments without even asking!
If you don’t think that that will scare off your crowd, such as when you will only be
offering it from your windows-user website as a direct download, then you can
give the following great free Viral eBook software a try:
For more on this subject, see “
Video Marketing - (Including
Thanks to
, (#4 in Alexa currently, Still going
up!) online Video is “in” right now in a major way.
All you need to do to grab some of this traffic is to make your own simple video
on your niche’s topic.
It doesn’t even have to be a music video or a well scripted video… Nor a big
budget video or heck, even an interesting video. Like everything else in
Marketing, attaching the right Keywords to your video will get it found. And in
your video, much like an Article or a Podcast, you simply present a “Call to
Action” that gets them to click over to your website.
Even Better… With Camtasia you can simply set the movie to automatically re-
direct them to your website when it’s finished!
Videos can also be used on your site as content, which in fact is a great use for
them… Video is the highest form of content on the web right now, as proven by
YouTube. However, for our purpose here today, you should come to think of
making videos as the same thing as writing articles… Plus a little bit of a software
learning curve.
is still the best tool for making these desktop videos, but it costs a
whopping $299 for a single user license and doesn’t show any sign of coming
down soon. For a Desktop-film-capture-only version that will help windows &
Linux users make the similar product without all the extra effects, there is the
totally free “
Wink” by DeBugMode
Wink actually makes smaller files with higher resolution than Camtasia, but it is
limited to only making desktop video, (as opposed to using any video camera
recordings) and Wink is a little difficult to learn. Still, paired with
Microsoft’s free
Windows Movie Maker
software, you can do just about anything at all that you
could with Camtasia, all for free.
What should you make a movie about? Well, it almost doesn’t matter. But for the
sake of producing good content that people will tell their friends about and help
build you extra traffic, ask yourself what you can do on your desktop that people
in your niche market might find useful.
Anything at all… I’m making one now about how to select keywords. If you’re in a
math-oriented niche, whip out MS-Calc.exe and talk about your computation
while using the calculator on screen. Artists? Surely you have a writing tablet on
your PC… You can teach techniques for drawing while showing them in real time
what the drawings are.
Videos made with screen-capture movies are easy to produce, and if you know
your niche, simple to write. Perhaps one day our standards will all be higher, but
if you’ve spent more than an hour YouTubing, then you’ll agree that the majority
of the content out there is really low-end stuff. Hollywood directors need not
So make your desktop videos, name them with a keyword, open a YouTube
account and upload them, tagging them with all of your relevant keywords… The
Traffic is already there and you could see hundreds or even thousands of people
watching your film short before the morning!
There are already tons of smaller YouTube knock-offs popping up out there, so
perhaps one of them will be focused on your niche. If not, then you can stick with
YouTube alone until one does pop up.
How to find them? There are tons of ways. Google’s video search will pull up
quite a few for just about any keyword you search already, but finding isn’t nearly
as difficult, or more to the point time-consuming, as Submitting your works.
Think of it this way… Videos regularly run between 1 to 10 megabytes… If you
want to upload that video to all of the video services out there (there are umpteen
hundred of them already!) then you’ll be spending a LOT of time doing nothing
but uploading and picking your tags.
So it’s important to get some automation going, and for that purpose I use
Traffic Assistant
VTA is a free service where you can submit to nine video
services, including YouTube, completely automated… Just pick your tags once
per film, and it logs you into all nine accounts and uploads it for you at the press
of a button. You don’t even have to sit around waiting on the uploads to finish! If
it only included GoogleVideo, I might be able to settle for those nine alone. {Sigh}
Still, it’s free, and you’ll learn about the important aspects of video marketing if
you use it a few times.
Finally, there’s one last important aspect of video marketing. We all know that if
the film is really funny or amazing, that alone can get it picked up and passed
around ver y easily… But let’s face it; we just want to use this service for our
commercials, right? Desktop video probably isn’t going to cause a major stir
online, no matter how cute your logo is.
For the average video, we really should develop a little more strategy to get your
video seen.
Two easy ways to get your video viewed more often is by leaving comments on
other people’s videos with a little note for them to check yours out, and by inviting
friends with similar interests to the topic of your video.
Naturally, these can both be very time consuming if done by hand, and you’d
really have to be making a full-time go of it to get the average film viewed quite
often doing those manually.
So naturally, someone invented a YouTube “Popularity tool,” called
It comes with a free trial with no restraints except a time limit. I
suggest you try it simply for the sake of learning this technique of building your
YouTube popularity, if nothing else.
Yes, there is a lot to learn about video marketing, I know... Make the film, submit
the film, and then make the film popular… Whew! –That’s easily the scariest
tactic to pull off in this whole eBook. However, if you consider that YouTube is
the #4 website on the internet, copied by countless others that all have decent
traffic too, and that pretty much everyone in all walks of life enjoys watching films
there, then you can easily see why it’s worthwhile to use this important medium.
The kids of today are learning to YouTube as soon as they can talk… Pretty soon
they’ll skip that whole, unnecessary ‘reading’ step altogether!
, (#4 in Alexa currently, Still going
up!) online Video is “in” right now in a major way.
All you need to do to grab some of this traffic is to make your own simple video
on your niche’s topic.
It doesn’t even have to be a music video or a well scripted video… Nor a big
budget video or heck, even an interesting video. Like everything else in
Marketing, attaching the right Keywords to your video will get it found. And in
your video, much like an Article or a Podcast, you simply present a “Call to
Action” that gets them to click over to your website.
Even Better… With Camtasia you can simply set the movie to automatically re-
direct them to your website when it’s finished!
Videos can also be used on your site as content, which in fact is a great use for
them… Video is the highest form of content on the web right now, as proven by
YouTube. However, for our purpose here today, you should come to think of
making videos as the same thing as writing articles… Plus a little bit of a software
learning curve.
is still the best tool for making these desktop videos, but it costs a
whopping $299 for a single user license and doesn’t show any sign of coming
down soon. For a Desktop-film-capture-only version that will help windows &
Linux users make the similar product without all the extra effects, there is the
totally free “
Wink” by DeBugMode
Wink actually makes smaller files with higher resolution than Camtasia, but it is
limited to only making desktop video, (as opposed to using any video camera
recordings) and Wink is a little difficult to learn. Still, paired with
Microsoft’s free
Windows Movie Maker
software, you can do just about anything at all that you
could with Camtasia, all for free.
What should you make a movie about? Well, it almost doesn’t matter. But for the
sake of producing good content that people will tell their friends about and help
build you extra traffic, ask yourself what you can do on your desktop that people
in your niche market might find useful.
Anything at all… I’m making one now about how to select keywords. If you’re in a
math-oriented niche, whip out MS-Calc.exe and talk about your computation
while using the calculator on screen. Artists? Surely you have a writing tablet on
your PC… You can teach techniques for drawing while showing them in real time
what the drawings are.
Videos made with screen-capture movies are easy to produce, and if you know
your niche, simple to write. Perhaps one day our standards will all be higher, but
if you’ve spent more than an hour YouTubing, then you’ll agree that the majority
of the content out there is really low-end stuff. Hollywood directors need not
So make your desktop videos, name them with a keyword, open a YouTube
account and upload them, tagging them with all of your relevant keywords… The
Traffic is already there and you could see hundreds or even thousands of people
watching your film short before the morning!
There are already tons of smaller YouTube knock-offs popping up out there, so
perhaps one of them will be focused on your niche. If not, then you can stick with
YouTube alone until one does pop up.
How to find them? There are tons of ways. Google’s video search will pull up
quite a few for just about any keyword you search already, but finding isn’t nearly
as difficult, or more to the point time-consuming, as Submitting your works.
Think of it this way… Videos regularly run between 1 to 10 megabytes… If you
want to upload that video to all of the video services out there (there are umpteen
hundred of them already!) then you’ll be spending a LOT of time doing nothing
but uploading and picking your tags.
So it’s important to get some automation going, and for that purpose I use
Traffic Assistant
VTA is a free service where you can submit to nine video
services, including YouTube, completely automated… Just pick your tags once
per film, and it logs you into all nine accounts and uploads it for you at the press
of a button. You don’t even have to sit around waiting on the uploads to finish! If
it only included GoogleVideo, I might be able to settle for those nine alone. {Sigh}
Still, it’s free, and you’ll learn about the important aspects of video marketing if
you use it a few times.
Finally, there’s one last important aspect of video marketing. We all know that if
the film is really funny or amazing, that alone can get it picked up and passed
around ver y easily… But let’s face it; we just want to use this service for our
commercials, right? Desktop video probably isn’t going to cause a major stir
online, no matter how cute your logo is.
For the average video, we really should develop a little more strategy to get your
video seen.
Two easy ways to get your video viewed more often is by leaving comments on
other people’s videos with a little note for them to check yours out, and by inviting
friends with similar interests to the topic of your video.
Naturally, these can both be very time consuming if done by hand, and you’d
really have to be making a full-time go of it to get the average film viewed quite
often doing those manually.
So naturally, someone invented a YouTube “Popularity tool,” called
It comes with a free trial with no restraints except a time limit. I
suggest you try it simply for the sake of learning this technique of building your
YouTube popularity, if nothing else.
Yes, there is a lot to learn about video marketing, I know... Make the film, submit
the film, and then make the film popular… Whew! –That’s easily the scariest
tactic to pull off in this whole eBook. However, if you consider that YouTube is
the #4 website on the internet, copied by countless others that all have decent
traffic too, and that pretty much everyone in all walks of life enjoys watching films
there, then you can easily see why it’s worthwhile to use this important medium.
The kids of today are learning to YouTube as soon as they can talk… Pretty soon
they’ll skip that whole, unnecessary ‘reading’ step altogether!
TrafficBars (Built into your Browser)
Instant Buzz
Free Traffic Bar
, are two unique and
unusual applications that allow marketers to market to other
marketers quite effectively. There may be others but these
two have the sector cornered so far.
Their concept is simple enough, you build up free Ad impression credits just by
surfing the websites that you already go to. (You never have to go anywhere you
wouldn’t already want to… This is nothing like a traffic exchange program in that
Both traffic bars display Ads to other internet marketers who load these programs
into their browsers as well. The ads are cute, sometimes funny, little one-liner
text Ads that either change when you reach a new page, or change at a pre-set
amount of time.
I give them a higher-than-usual quality rating only because anyone using these
methods would already assume that the target market would be only to other
Internet marketers. (Inside the IM2IM niche)
If you try to use these to market to a different niche, such as golfers or horse
trainers, then the amount of clicks you’ll get will be very low.
Since delivery is instant, and targeted text ads are always high in quality to the
people that do click on them, this method is a great way to test your Ad campaign
quickly, if not to be used for full-fledged advertising itself.
See: “
List Builder Traffic Strategy
” at the back of the book for more on them both.
Traffic Exchanges – Manual
Traffic exchange websites, either manual or automatic, are
simply places that shows you a bunch of websites, and for
every one you look at, your website is displayed to others on
the exchange.
These aren’t Banner Ads or Impressions of some other kind of Ad, this is truly
traffic to your site, although it’s not targeted.
Manual Traffic exchanges bring visitors that are more targeted than Automatic
exchange visitors, because you know that every one you get is someone who is
actually looking at the page.
Automatic exchanges, by comparison, allow you to leave the program running
while you go to sleep for the night and wake up with a couple hundred credits in
the morning… Not exactly top quality traffic.
Even Manual exchanges suffer in quality a little because you know that the
person looking at your page is pressured to move along in 15 or 20 seconds, and
also that they don’t fit into any one demographic… Nothing there is binding them
to any other niche other than that of a generic Internet Marketer. (Putting this
kind of campaign in the IM2IM Niche with Safelists, Trafficbars, and list builders.)
There is still some conversion however. Perhaps just a little better than a safelist,
you can get perhaps 5 out of 100 people to really look at your website or
download a free offer on that page with Manual Traffic Exchanges.
If you just join one exchange you can generate perhaps 200 hits a day to your
website, so that’s something around 10 people who will take an interest. A
common tactic is to use multiple manual exchanges at once, perhaps up to 7 at a
time (so that by the time you’ve click on the last one the first one is ready to be
clicked again) and you can generate up to 200 hits a day from each of them.
Naturally, if you build a downline or purchase an upgrade you’ll get better
exchange ratios, up to 2 shows for every view. All programs offer a free version
that begins with a ratio of 1 show for every 2 to 4 views, depending on program.
The top Four highest-quality Manual exchanges I’ve tested are:
I like these four specifically because once you have some downline members,
you never have to surf yourself anymore… You just keep getting free credits from
your downline’s surfing!
Traffic Exchanges – Automatic
There is something to be said for Automatic Exchanges too.
Although everyone prefers their traffic to be highly targeted,
there are times in which sheer bulk traffic has its advantages.
Do you know how gathers its’ data on how popular websites are? It
depends on people who download the Alexa Toolbar , and that program
constantly reports back to Alexa which websites they are viewing.
Naturally not everyone uses this tool, especially since McAfee and Norton
spyware scanners identify it as a security threat! However, the largest segment of
the population that uses those Alexa bars would of course be the people who
care about their Alexa ranking the most… Internet Marketers.
ESPECIALLY the ones who use traffic exchanges.
You’ll find that a large number of traffic exchange members have the Alexa
Toolbar installed and their browsers are set to run the automatic exchages every
Imagine having your website visited by 2,000 Alexa-toolbar-packing internet
marketers, NIGHTLY. Do you think your website’s ranking might be affected at
I use automatic exchanges for this purpose and none other. All it takes is some
spare computer “idle” time and a good spyware removal program… Many of
these websites can be hazardous to your computer’s health.
Additionally, since page hits are so cheap to these guys, even free accounts
come with many thousand free page views just for signing up!
Here are my three favorite Auto-surf sites:
Click Evolution
Traffic Plus Hits
Christian AutoSurf
Additionally, there are two places I recommend that rate Traffic Exchanges. (Both
manual and auto.) A nice, not quite complete but very easy to use Traffic
Exchange directory listing is located at:
It includes both Manual and Auto exchanges as well as many other kinds like
Banner, text ads, and mixed formats. Well worth a look if you like these traffic
However, the real find is a service called
Traffic Hoopla
that is quite frankly
incredible… Both for Traffic Exchanges and for Safelists! They continually rate
the RESPONSIVENESS of each safelist and traffic exc hange out there, and
even give you weekly stats! They have a downline builder and a free level of
membership, so be sure to sign up for this one!
Free Traffic Bar
, are two unique and
unusual applications that allow marketers to market to other
marketers quite effectively. There may be others but these
two have the sector cornered so far.
Their concept is simple enough, you build up free Ad impression credits just by
surfing the websites that you already go to. (You never have to go anywhere you
wouldn’t already want to… This is nothing like a traffic exchange program in that
Both traffic bars display Ads to other internet marketers who load these programs
into their browsers as well. The ads are cute, sometimes funny, little one-liner
text Ads that either change when you reach a new page, or change at a pre-set
amount of time.
I give them a higher-than-usual quality rating only because anyone using these
methods would already assume that the target market would be only to other
Internet marketers. (Inside the IM2IM niche)
If you try to use these to market to a different niche, such as golfers or horse
trainers, then the amount of clicks you’ll get will be very low.
Since delivery is instant, and targeted text ads are always high in quality to the
people that do click on them, this method is a great way to test your Ad campaign
quickly, if not to be used for full-fledged advertising itself.
See: “
List Builder Traffic Strategy
” at the back of the book for more on them both.
Traffic Exchanges – Manual
Traffic exchange websites, either manual or automatic, are
simply places that shows you a bunch of websites, and for
every one you look at, your website is displayed to others on
the exchange.
These aren’t Banner Ads or Impressions of some other kind of Ad, this is truly
traffic to your site, although it’s not targeted.
Manual Traffic exchanges bring visitors that are more targeted than Automatic
exchange visitors, because you know that every one you get is someone who is
actually looking at the page.
Automatic exchanges, by comparison, allow you to leave the program running
while you go to sleep for the night and wake up with a couple hundred credits in
the morning… Not exactly top quality traffic.
Even Manual exchanges suffer in quality a little because you know that the
person looking at your page is pressured to move along in 15 or 20 seconds, and
also that they don’t fit into any one demographic… Nothing there is binding them
to any other niche other than that of a generic Internet Marketer. (Putting this
kind of campaign in the IM2IM Niche with Safelists, Trafficbars, and list builders.)
There is still some conversion however. Perhaps just a little better than a safelist,
you can get perhaps 5 out of 100 people to really look at your website or
download a free offer on that page with Manual Traffic Exchanges.
If you just join one exchange you can generate perhaps 200 hits a day to your
website, so that’s something around 10 people who will take an interest. A
common tactic is to use multiple manual exchanges at once, perhaps up to 7 at a
time (so that by the time you’ve click on the last one the first one is ready to be
clicked again) and you can generate up to 200 hits a day from each of them.
Naturally, if you build a downline or purchase an upgrade you’ll get better
exchange ratios, up to 2 shows for every view. All programs offer a free version
that begins with a ratio of 1 show for every 2 to 4 views, depending on program.
The top Four highest-quality Manual exchanges I’ve tested are:
I like these four specifically because once you have some downline members,
you never have to surf yourself anymore… You just keep getting free credits from
your downline’s surfing!
Traffic Exchanges – Automatic
There is something to be said for Automatic Exchanges too.
Although everyone prefers their traffic to be highly targeted,
there are times in which sheer bulk traffic has its advantages.
Do you know how gathers its’ data on how popular websites are? It
depends on people who download the Alexa Toolbar , and that program
constantly reports back to Alexa which websites they are viewing.
Naturally not everyone uses this tool, especially since McAfee and Norton
spyware scanners identify it as a security threat! However, the largest segment of
the population that uses those Alexa bars would of course be the people who
care about their Alexa ranking the most… Internet Marketers.
ESPECIALLY the ones who use traffic exchanges.
You’ll find that a large number of traffic exchange members have the Alexa
Toolbar installed and their browsers are set to run the automatic exchages every
Imagine having your website visited by 2,000 Alexa-toolbar-packing internet
marketers, NIGHTLY. Do you think your website’s ranking might be affected at
I use automatic exchanges for this purpose and none other. All it takes is some
spare computer “idle” time and a good spyware removal program… Many of
these websites can be hazardous to your computer’s health.
Additionally, since page hits are so cheap to these guys, even free accounts
come with many thousand free page views just for signing up!
Here are my three favorite Auto-surf sites:
Click Evolution
Traffic Plus Hits
Christian AutoSurf
Additionally, there are two places I recommend that rate Traffic Exchanges. (Both
manual and auto.) A nice, not quite complete but very easy to use Traffic
Exchange directory listing is located at:
It includes both Manual and Auto exchanges as well as many other kinds like
Banner, text ads, and mixed formats. Well worth a look if you like these traffic
However, the real find is a service called
Traffic Hoopla
that is quite frankly
incredible… Both for Traffic Exchanges and for Safelists! They continually rate
the RESPONSIVENESS of each safelist and traffic exc hange out there, and
even give you weekly stats! They have a downline builder and a free level of
membership, so be sure to sign up for this one!
Testimonials - (A Subset of Link Building)
There are endless products sold online that the owner of
would be more than happy to publish a testimonial about.
Most info-product sellers have a whole page set aside on their
website just to display testimonials, and they actively have to go out and drum up
the first batch of them before they can properly launch their product!
It doesn’t really matter if you find them before their product launch or years
afterwards, you can still get great, targeted links to your website from these short
The nature of testimonials is that the more you provide proof that you exist, the
more the business owner will be compelled to display your link, closest to the top.
Give it some thought. If you just send in a testimony that says:
“Your product rocks!
-Bob Jones”
Then the site owner might not even publish it because it’s not a ‘credible’
testimonial that proves that you exist and he didn’t make that entry up.
Not to mention, how does that help your website?
The way to properly use testimonials is to write a favorable but not over-the-top
review for products that you really are familiar with, and then give as much
evidence of your existence as possible… Your URL should be the absolute
minimum you supply. Try this format, for example, and imagine your Headshot to
the left of it:
This program knocked my socks off. From the moment I turned it on, I could see
how powerful it was and it helped me churn through my pages in less than half
the time that my old, bloated program did… And the results are terrific!
Thank you for a high-quality product.
Bob Jones,
Creator of the Peanut Butter Sprocket“
If the product has already been launched, then the owner won’t usually take the
time to post a photo, although some do. Photos add credibility too.
Even without finding the owner before the product launch, these links are
valuable because you’ve made them targeted. You did that simply by making
your product known up front, just before your link.
Googlebot will see the relevance because your surrounding text includes
keywords of yours. (“Peanut Butter Sprocket,” in the example) Technically your
name is a keyword too. But targeting is all about what a human is looking for.
People who don’t like Peanut Butter, for example, wouldn’t click your link, and
that keeps the low-quality traffic out. But when a truly targeted visitor who you’d
want on your site comes along, then you’re likely to get that click.
Think of all the online products and services, from AOL to ZIP, that you use
regularly and go check out their websites. 99% of them will have posted
testimonial pages, and you can tell from there if they post links or not. If you see
even one live link on that page, (it must be made live, meaning a click on it will
take you to the site) then this is a company you should send a testimonial to.
It should take you no more than 10 minutes per company that you can think of,
only one time each, but these will be high-quality, far-flung links that will benefit
your website’s ranking forever.
If you ever find a product before it is launched, possibly through a JV network or
something similar, then you’ve found yourself a great opportunity. See the RAT
method under “
Joint Ventures
” for more about that technique.
would be more than happy to publish a testimonial about.
Most info-product sellers have a whole page set aside on their
website just to display testimonials, and they actively have to go out and drum up
the first batch of them before they can properly launch their product!
It doesn’t really matter if you find them before their product launch or years
afterwards, you can still get great, targeted links to your website from these short
The nature of testimonials is that the more you provide proof that you exist, the
more the business owner will be compelled to display your link, closest to the top.
Give it some thought. If you just send in a testimony that says:
“Your product rocks!
-Bob Jones”
Then the site owner might not even publish it because it’s not a ‘credible’
testimonial that proves that you exist and he didn’t make that entry up.
Not to mention, how does that help your website?
The way to properly use testimonials is to write a favorable but not over-the-top
review for products that you really are familiar with, and then give as much
evidence of your existence as possible… Your URL should be the absolute
minimum you supply. Try this format, for example, and imagine your Headshot to
the left of it:
This program knocked my socks off. From the moment I turned it on, I could see
how powerful it was and it helped me churn through my pages in less than half
the time that my old, bloated program did… And the results are terrific!
Thank you for a high-quality product.
Bob Jones,
Creator of the Peanut Butter Sprocket“
If the product has already been launched, then the owner won’t usually take the
time to post a photo, although some do. Photos add credibility too.
Even without finding the owner before the product launch, these links are
valuable because you’ve made them targeted. You did that simply by making
your product known up front, just before your link.
Googlebot will see the relevance because your surrounding text includes
keywords of yours. (“Peanut Butter Sprocket,” in the example) Technically your
name is a keyword too. But targeting is all about what a human is looking for.
People who don’t like Peanut Butter, for example, wouldn’t click your link, and
that keeps the low-quality traffic out. But when a truly targeted visitor who you’d
want on your site comes along, then you’re likely to get that click.
Think of all the online products and services, from AOL to ZIP, that you use
regularly and go check out their websites. 99% of them will have posted
testimonial pages, and you can tell from there if they post links or not. If you see
even one live link on that page, (it must be made live, meaning a click on it will
take you to the site) then this is a company you should send a testimonial to.
It should take you no more than 10 minutes per company that you can think of,
only one time each, but these will be high-quality, far-flung links that will benefit
your website’s ranking forever.
If you ever find a product before it is launched, possibly through a JV network or
something similar, then you’ve found yourself a great opportunity. See the RAT
method under “
Joint Ventures
” for more about that technique.
Squidoo Lenses
Any Internet Marketers not Squidooing right now simply
haven’t tried it yet! This exciting Web 2.0 application is truly a
Business Marketer’s dream come true. You can think of it as
MySpace, but for serious professionals. It’s a lot like being given editorship of
your own topic at, but with even more functionality!
A lens is a web page on their domain that “brings into focus” your niche topic in a
new and dynamic way. It’s a place for you to show off everything you know about
your topic, as dynamically as possible.
Started in the Fall of 2005, within one year flat Squidoo had already gotten itself
into the top 1000 sites according to Alexa, and it’s been pretty steady ever since,
slowly growing. (It’s #601 today, still steadily growing.)
I believe a lot more Internet Marketers would use this service if they only knew
about it. I’ve even witnessed many Squidoo pages pop up in the #1 spot at
Google for that lensmasters’ keywords!
They’ve now got about 180,000+ lenses, although considerably fewer
members… A few people have cranked out many lenses on all of their favorite
topics, so there’s no reason you can crank out one for each of your business
ventures or marketing ideas.
To attempt to get your lens featured, simply use good Tags on your page, and
then email their review team once it’s done and they’ll consider making it the
“lens of the day.” These get some serious traffic, but of course they won’t select a
lens that appears to be blatant advertising or boring.
One other great feature to note is they share all advertising revenue with you for
advertising on your page! Some people are making lenses to use as Virtual Real
Estate style publishing sites… Theoretically, you could make a few hundred great
lenses and live comfortably off the income forever. Many are trying to do just
For our purposes, however, the benefit of using lenses for marketing our other
websites is clearly the main reason to get involved. The branding you create and
the nearly automatic stream of traffic will be well worth the time.
And did I mention that they are a cinch to put together? You could literally start
and finish one in 10 minutes. Of course, the more work you put into them the
better they’ll perform, just like everything else in life.
So how do you get involved with Squidoo the fastest? Here’s a free download
from Bob the Teacher called
How do you do, Squidoo?
that will show you all
the best ways to use Squidoo for marketing. It’s a very valuable resource if you’re
even thinking about creating a lens, and it’s totally free with no opt-in required.
Joel Comm once let Bob the Teacher tweak his brand new Squidoo lens with no
page rank and within two days it went from around #168,000 (dead last at the
time) all the way up inside the top 100 in all categories! Bob’s personally had the
#1 ranked Lens himself, and has also taught many “LensMasters” to achieve that
great honor too… The man knows his lenses. And you should too if you could
use some free, quality advertising.
haven’t tried it yet! This exciting Web 2.0 application is truly a
Business Marketer’s dream come true. You can think of it as
MySpace, but for serious professionals. It’s a lot like being given editorship of
your own topic at, but with even more functionality!
A lens is a web page on their domain that “brings into focus” your niche topic in a
new and dynamic way. It’s a place for you to show off everything you know about
your topic, as dynamically as possible.
Started in the Fall of 2005, within one year flat Squidoo had already gotten itself
into the top 1000 sites according to Alexa, and it’s been pretty steady ever since,
slowly growing. (It’s #601 today, still steadily growing.)
I believe a lot more Internet Marketers would use this service if they only knew
about it. I’ve even witnessed many Squidoo pages pop up in the #1 spot at
Google for that lensmasters’ keywords!
They’ve now got about 180,000+ lenses, although considerably fewer
members… A few people have cranked out many lenses on all of their favorite
topics, so there’s no reason you can crank out one for each of your business
ventures or marketing ideas.
To attempt to get your lens featured, simply use good Tags on your page, and
then email their review team once it’s done and they’ll consider making it the
“lens of the day.” These get some serious traffic, but of course they won’t select a
lens that appears to be blatant advertising or boring.
One other great feature to note is they share all advertising revenue with you for
advertising on your page! Some people are making lenses to use as Virtual Real
Estate style publishing sites… Theoretically, you could make a few hundred great
lenses and live comfortably off the income forever. Many are trying to do just
For our purposes, however, the benefit of using lenses for marketing our other
websites is clearly the main reason to get involved. The branding you create and
the nearly automatic stream of traffic will be well worth the time.
And did I mention that they are a cinch to put together? You could literally start
and finish one in 10 minutes. Of course, the more work you put into them the
better they’ll perform, just like everything else in life.
So how do you get involved with Squidoo the fastest? Here’s a free download
from Bob the Teacher called
How do you do, Squidoo?
that will show you all
the best ways to use Squidoo for marketing. It’s a very valuable resource if you’re
even thinking about creating a lens, and it’s totally free with no opt-in required.
Joel Comm once let Bob the Teacher tweak his brand new Squidoo lens with no
page rank and within two days it went from around #168,000 (dead last at the
time) all the way up inside the top 100 in all categories! Bob’s personally had the
#1 ranked Lens himself, and has also taught many “LensMasters” to achieve that
great honor too… The man knows his lenses. And you should too if you could
use some free, quality advertising.
Social Bookmarking
Digg, Technorati, Reddit,, Fark, Furl, even
Netscape. Web 2.0’s largest trend has created over 1,000 of
this new breed of “Tagged News sites.” On them we mere
humans share our online bookmarks with each other, and on the latest
incarnations, we vote them up and down against each others to point out which
ones are the most interesting or useful.
These tools are great, and their power is
at times… But all they do is
essentially just use humans to duplicate Google’s work to the same end!
Why would we go through such trouble? Because computer algorithms still just
don’t “know” their resources the way humans do. Having another person select a
website and “tag” it as relevant to your keyword is much more intuitive for us to
find resources with. It has its problems too, mainly when combining keywords,
but overall it’s becoming an extremely popular way for people to find other
This of course means that you, too, need to be Tagging your website in many
Social Bookmarking tools for others to find.
Essentially the way these things work is that you set up an account with each of
the ones you want to use and “Tag” any website or blog entry instead of
bookmarking it the traditional way. Those tags could be kept just for personal use
(Who in their right mind would want to do that…?) but as a default they are
shared on that bookmarking website for others who search for the term you
tagged it with.
With most Social Bookmarking tools, such as, (we call this group the
“Taggers”) the websites that have been tagged the most for a certain keyword
come up the highest on the list when that keyword is searched. It’s actually a
very simple & elegant system.
The newer breed of SB tools, such as, uses an additional Voting
capacity for people simply viewing the index page to vote up or down any news
items they want to. (Naturally, these are referred to as the “Voters.”)
From a marketing standpoint, however, this can all be chaotic! First of all there
are simply too many of these sites… Submitting to Google and Yahoo! is one
thing, but could you imagine opening an account in all 1000 of these things and
hitting the “tag” button for all of them? How about providing a review in each of
Second, people still go to to search unless you make it easier for
them to search a Tag elsewhere. It’s still not quite worth our time.
Finally, the problem it has with multiple keywords (Search engines handle
keyword phrases as a single query… Bookmarking sites handle each word as a
query and add them together) leaves a lot up to interpretation. The end result is
that you need to be supplying even MORE keywords to a bookmarking site than
you would to a search engine.
One thing you’ve got working for you is that you really don’t need to submit to
them all. (Whew!) Once you choose some good keywords for your article
(Remember, we use bookmarking tools per article or blog posting, not per whole
website) you simply need to post it in the best bookmarking tool sites for your
niche topic.
For example, in the Internet Marketing world, the best one is PlugIM
) which will only accept internet marketing-related posts. That
isn’t to say that I should be submitting my articles to too, because Digg
has a marketing subsection… But I’d never submit it to a social bookmarking site
like Newsvine, for instance, because they are only interested in the most
newsworthy news stories, like what President Bush is doing to make a fool of
himself this week.
So, once you start exploring the SB tools for your niche market, you’ll quickly
learn the best ones for you and use the same ones over and over again forever.
Surely, you ask, someone has tried to automate the process… Perhaps another
submission software?
But of course! You didn’t think I’d forget to tell you the shortcut on this one, did
Well you’re in luck, because there are THREE shortcuts for Social Bookmark
Marketing, and two of them are free!
The first is not a submitter at all, but it helps webmasters (and of course blog
owners) get their content submitted by others much easier. It’s called
, and it’s basically just a page that is updated for you with all of the
most well-known SB tools on it. It even passes the title and URL information
through for you… But it’s not something you can use to do mass submissions
with yourself.
The second tool is quite frankly awesome for a free product. I can think of no
reason everyone shouldn’t be using this tool daily. (Even those who pay for the
third tool!) It is a service called
that keeps your account information
and passes your submission to NINETEEN different SB tools with one single
submission. That’s 19 links to your site or blog for every time you use it, all for
free. (Quite possibly the best free marketing tool online!)
OnlyWire’s only downfall is that it doesn’t appear to work with Voter sites,
discluding Digg, Reddit, and many of my favorites… But it does have a few big
names on it such as Perhaps in the future they’ll find a way to add a
lot more sites and then shoehorn the Voters in too.
Also, keep an eye on OnlyWire in the future; I expect great things from it. Think
of the power it would have if it manages to talk all social bookmarking tools into
cooperating… I guess only time will tell.
So how about for the really aggressive Social Bookmark submitters out there?
You didn’t think I’d leave you out, did you?
was designed just
for you. In very much the same fashion that you use Article Submitter and
Directory submitter, Web2Submitter lets you submit your posting to all of the
Social Bookmark tools out there as automated as can be. For the small price you
have to pay for it, this is easily one of the few tools out there that has a cost to
performance ratio in the top 1% of anything you can do online!
There is a great film walking you through the whole usage of Web2Submitter on
that page, so go check it out if for no other reason than just to learn what a well-
executed Social Bookmarking Marketing campaign looks like.
Quite seriously, just using this tool for an hour on one blog posting can result in
many dozens or even a hundred new quality incoming links to your blog and a 3-
5 day increase of traffic that you couldn’t afford to pay for otherwise… Even if you
took out a new mortgage on your house!
So in summation, Social Bookmarking is quite possibly the very best thing you
can be doing to market your website online. Certainly there will be exceptions,
and it works much better for Blogs that have frequent postings than it could for a
static website. Even still, it’s a free source of traffic that has been known on many
occasions to send blog & website owners even more traffic than Google ever
could on its’ best day… So the bottom line is that Social Bookmarking should be
one of the top sources, if not the primary source of traffic you use for your free
advertising campaign.
Online Publisher tips
Netscape. Web 2.0’s largest trend has created over 1,000 of
this new breed of “Tagged News sites.” On them we mere
humans share our online bookmarks with each other, and on the latest
incarnations, we vote them up and down against each others to point out which
ones are the most interesting or useful.
These tools are great, and their power is
at times… But all they do is
essentially just use humans to duplicate Google’s work to the same end!
Why would we go through such trouble? Because computer algorithms still just
don’t “know” their resources the way humans do. Having another person select a
website and “tag” it as relevant to your keyword is much more intuitive for us to
find resources with. It has its problems too, mainly when combining keywords,
but overall it’s becoming an extremely popular way for people to find other
This of course means that you, too, need to be Tagging your website in many
Social Bookmarking tools for others to find.
Essentially the way these things work is that you set up an account with each of
the ones you want to use and “Tag” any website or blog entry instead of
bookmarking it the traditional way. Those tags could be kept just for personal use
(Who in their right mind would want to do that…?) but as a default they are
shared on that bookmarking website for others who search for the term you
tagged it with.
With most Social Bookmarking tools, such as, (we call this group the
“Taggers”) the websites that have been tagged the most for a certain keyword
come up the highest on the list when that keyword is searched. It’s actually a
very simple & elegant system.
The newer breed of SB tools, such as, uses an additional Voting
capacity for people simply viewing the index page to vote up or down any news
items they want to. (Naturally, these are referred to as the “Voters.”)
From a marketing standpoint, however, this can all be chaotic! First of all there
are simply too many of these sites… Submitting to Google and Yahoo! is one
thing, but could you imagine opening an account in all 1000 of these things and
hitting the “tag” button for all of them? How about providing a review in each of
Second, people still go to to search unless you make it easier for
them to search a Tag elsewhere. It’s still not quite worth our time.
Finally, the problem it has with multiple keywords (Search engines handle
keyword phrases as a single query… Bookmarking sites handle each word as a
query and add them together) leaves a lot up to interpretation. The end result is
that you need to be supplying even MORE keywords to a bookmarking site than
you would to a search engine.
One thing you’ve got working for you is that you really don’t need to submit to
them all. (Whew!) Once you choose some good keywords for your article
(Remember, we use bookmarking tools per article or blog posting, not per whole
website) you simply need to post it in the best bookmarking tool sites for your
niche topic.
For example, in the Internet Marketing world, the best one is PlugIM
) which will only accept internet marketing-related posts. That
isn’t to say that I should be submitting my articles to too, because Digg
has a marketing subsection… But I’d never submit it to a social bookmarking site
like Newsvine, for instance, because they are only interested in the most
newsworthy news stories, like what President Bush is doing to make a fool of
himself this week.
So, once you start exploring the SB tools for your niche market, you’ll quickly
learn the best ones for you and use the same ones over and over again forever.
Surely, you ask, someone has tried to automate the process… Perhaps another
submission software?
But of course! You didn’t think I’d forget to tell you the shortcut on this one, did
Well you’re in luck, because there are THREE shortcuts for Social Bookmark
Marketing, and two of them are free!
The first is not a submitter at all, but it helps webmasters (and of course blog
owners) get their content submitted by others much easier. It’s called
, and it’s basically just a page that is updated for you with all of the
most well-known SB tools on it. It even passes the title and URL information
through for you… But it’s not something you can use to do mass submissions
with yourself.
The second tool is quite frankly awesome for a free product. I can think of no
reason everyone shouldn’t be using this tool daily. (Even those who pay for the
third tool!) It is a service called
that keeps your account information
and passes your submission to NINETEEN different SB tools with one single
submission. That’s 19 links to your site or blog for every time you use it, all for
free. (Quite possibly the best free marketing tool online!)
OnlyWire’s only downfall is that it doesn’t appear to work with Voter sites,
discluding Digg, Reddit, and many of my favorites… But it does have a few big
names on it such as Perhaps in the future they’ll find a way to add a
lot more sites and then shoehorn the Voters in too.
Also, keep an eye on OnlyWire in the future; I expect great things from it. Think
of the power it would have if it manages to talk all social bookmarking tools into
cooperating… I guess only time will tell.
So how about for the really aggressive Social Bookmark submitters out there?
You didn’t think I’d leave you out, did you?
was designed just
for you. In very much the same fashion that you use Article Submitter and
Directory submitter, Web2Submitter lets you submit your posting to all of the
Social Bookmark tools out there as automated as can be. For the small price you
have to pay for it, this is easily one of the few tools out there that has a cost to
performance ratio in the top 1% of anything you can do online!
There is a great film walking you through the whole usage of Web2Submitter on
that page, so go check it out if for no other reason than just to learn what a well-
executed Social Bookmarking Marketing campaign looks like.
Quite seriously, just using this tool for an hour on one blog posting can result in
many dozens or even a hundred new quality incoming links to your blog and a 3-
5 day increase of traffic that you couldn’t afford to pay for otherwise… Even if you
took out a new mortgage on your house!
So in summation, Social Bookmarking is quite possibly the very best thing you
can be doing to market your website online. Certainly there will be exceptions,
and it works much better for Blogs that have frequent postings than it could for a
static website. Even still, it’s a free source of traffic that has been known on many
occasions to send blog & website owners even more traffic than Google ever
could on its’ best day… So the bottom line is that Social Bookmarking should be
one of the top sources, if not the primary source of traffic you use for your free
advertising campaign.
Online Publisher tips
SEO - (Search Engine Optimization)
Today Search Engine Optimization is big business. The number of
companies out there providing SEO services is quite
staggering, and it’s growing every day. Does that mean it’s
too difficult to do all by yourself?
Not at all. It’s very involved, and it will take a little time and ongoing effort, but it’s
not rocket science, and you can even do everything you need to organically Rank
#1 in all major search engines by yourself, all for free.
When I opened my SEO Services business in 2004 I only had experience
working with my own websites before that point, and I learned VERY quickly one
last, very important thing about SEO… It’s personal.
If you pay a big company to optimize your website for you, as opposed to you
learning how and doing the optimization yourself, then you’ll never be able to
rank as highly. Another company cannot have the very discreet knowledge of
your businesses’ keywords and market that you had to learn the hard way.
You can’t just write some keywords down on a list and give it to them, either. You
have to be the one continually choosing your website’s keywords and putting
them in your site where you see fit. Any other method will either make your site
be someone else’s work, not matching your industry, or simply ineffective.
(Usually all three.)
The good news is that you taking on the role of SEOer of your own site means
that you won’t have to pay a penny for SEO services at all. As my ratings
suggest, it’s not a very quick way to bring in traffic, but scoring very highly for
your keywords in the Google, Yahoo!, and MSN search engine ranking pages
(SERPs) is an incredibly effective way of bringing in traffic. Possibly the best of
all ways, because it is the highest possible quality, and if you can dominate
enough keywords for your niche, the highest possible quantity as well!
On- site Search Engine Optimization breaks down into 5 categories.
We won’t be including link building in with these five, but it is a very important
ongoing method you must follow up with... There are many entries throughout
this Encyclopedia on that subject.
People who don’t understand SEO just aren’t aware that it’s all about the
Keywords. Choose the right ones, and all of the ones, for your niche, and then
use them everywhere you can on your site. That’s really all there is to SEO, but
there are infinite variations to the process. Let’s hit the major areas by category.
Keyword Selection
Choosing the Right keywords to target your intended audience with is more than
vital, it’s the
ball game. The best way to do this is by using a large-scale
keyword generation software & services such as
Keyword Elite
However, if you take the time to do it right, you can find all the same keywords
yourself, albeit more slowly, by using an excellent free web-based tool offered by
Digital Point Solutions, simply called the
Free Keyword Suggestion Tool
. It
actually queries both Yahoo’s (Overture) data as well as Google’s AdWords
keyword data, for each and ever y keyword search you run. Better yet, it let’s you
drill down to be as specific as you want.
The only thing this doesn’t tell you is how much people are willing to pay for each
term in PPC engines like AdWords and Y!SM. This is valuable data I suggest you
use for in-depth campaigns, especially for AdSense Publishers, however at this
point it’s not necessary. SEOing your website is strictly the art of choosing the
MOST RELEVANT keywords to your desired audience. All else needs to be
forgotten at this stage.
Build up as big a list as possible, keeping all keywords on your list relevant. I
suggest using a spreadsheet like MS-Excel to store them, so you can sort them
by demand as well.
The way you get lots of people to your site is by choosing the highest-demand
keywords on that list and using them in your site often. After you’ve built your
whole list, sort by demand, and use those with the biggest numbers the most
across your website.
It’s actually a bit more complicated than that, but you can easily see the pattern
here. For those perfectionists out there, I’ve perfected the process instructions on
my old SEO website:
Keyword Density
This term refers to the number of times you use your keywords throughout a
page or a site. If you had a 200 word page that you’re trying to optimize for the
word “peanut butter,” but only said this phrase once throughout the whole page,
you’re not letting Googlebot and it’s spider pals know what you’re talking about at
Alternatively, if 50 of those 200 words (25%) are the keywords themselves, then
you’re really going to be spamming the search engines, as Googlebot will see
right through what you’re trying to do and penalize you for it. Even worse, people
reading such copy would think that you’re not even a native speaker of your
language, and leave the page immediately!
The best course of action would be to aim between 0.5% and 5% of the content
on a page. Any more would sound artificial; any less would be too vague. The
trick is to never let it influence your copy’s effectiveness.
This doesn’t take into account the other places you can put your keywords, such
as the name of the page, the title, in HTML comment tags, as names for the
photos it links to, and of course in the Meta Tags in your HTML code. They’r e all
wide-open for you to shove your keywords into as well, and SE Spiders like
Googlebot read them too.
The most important place on a web page to put your keywords, beside the Title
on the page, is in your page’s META tags. In your html page codes’ heading
section, they look like this:
There are many other META tags as well, but these are pretty universal, and
really only the top two here, Description & Keywords are vital.
A major mistake most web authors do is to make their META tag block once, and
then just post the same block on every page of their site. Each page on your site
should be targeted individually, and contain the keywords from the meta tags in
the body copy as well.
To put it another way, your page on Peanut Butter Cookies must have that
keyword phrase on it, in the Meta Tag as well as the content, and not the same 5
keywords on your main Peanut Butter web site home page… Remember, Google
and the other big SEs judge each page one by one for for their results, not whole
Site Flow
The Flow of a website in SEO terms refers to the order in which a Search Engine
Spider like Googlebot will read a site and even page while indexing. (In sales
websites, there is another “Flow” process, which is totally separate from this
To optimize your website for the search engines, you have to try to read the
website code in the same order that a spider does, not just how it appears to
humans. There are many variables to this, including instructions for the spiders in
your Robots.txt file, inside the META “Index” tag, the order of which your links
appear on a web page, the order of all links in your sitemap file, and even the
order that the content occurs within the html code. Collectively , we call all of
these “Spider guiders.”
What this mini-science comes down to is the fact that you must show the search
engines exactly what you want to be highly ranked for, and hide as much else as
possible from them. The most important tool in this arsenal is a Sitemap file…
Both Google and Yahoo! let you write a “map” of your website and submit it to
them, so their spiders will know in advance exactly what to go index and how
often. This has nothing to do with your website’s “Sitemap” page, those are for a
human being’s eyes, although technically those make it a little easier on the
spiders as well.
Google’s spider map is commonly a file named “sitemap.xml” that must be
placed on the main web directory of your server host. Google demands that it be
written in the XML language, which looks a lot like HTML except for a few other
commands. Don’t worry, you won’t have to write a single line of code for this.
There’s an excellent free tool coming up in a minute to write these for you.
Once you’ve got your file written, you’ve got to tell Google that it’s there, so you
can get Googlebot to come out and spider your website as soon as possible.
Without doing this, you have no control at all when your website will be first
Where do you do this? Simply log into your Google account, (the same account
for Gmail, Analytics, AdWords, AdSense, or any other of Google’s services) and
click on “My Account,” then “Webmaster Tools.” From that page you’ll be able to
add websites and watch their progress.
Yahoo!’s Sitemap is different. It’s just a Text file (.TXT) that is nothing but a list of
URLs on your domain. If you list an URL there, it will index that page. If not, it
won’t. I love the simplicity of their method. They call it a “Feed” however, and you
have to submit that too.
Simply go to the main page of, click at the bottom where it says
“Suggest a Site.” Choose the top option of “Suggest a Site for free,” and the page
will then take you to an account login screen if you’re not already logged in. Do
so, and then the next screen will be a website URL suggestion form. The account
“Feed” it is looking for is the Urllist.txt file that you have to make. It can be added
there at the end of the URL to your website in their form, and Yahoo! will start
spidering your site immediately as well.
So where do you get your Sitemap.xml and Urllist.txt files made? There are
hundreds of places online that offer the service of writing these files for you. Until
recently, all the free versions were very limited, only allowing 50 to100 links on
your site, or not allowing certain time variables. Lately there’s been an addition
that has no such limits, making all the rest of these obsolete:
Click on the ‘webmaster tool’ box on this page and it will open up a Java
application. (Yes, you need free Sun Java installed first.) Play with this app until
you feel lik e you’ve included everything on your site that you want Google and
Yahoo! to see, and hidden away everything else. It can then output the
sitemap.xml and urllist.txt files for you, all for free.
Upload those to the main folder of your server host and tell Big G and Y! where
they are as fast as you can.
All the rest of SEOing your website has to do with link building, but there are
some other details that can help as well. I also recommend a great program
that helps automate all of this work from one suite of tools, and
they even have a free version as well. It even gives you reports of work left to do
and campaign effectiveness.
all the movies
Hindi movie
All movies collection
companies out there providing SEO services is quite
staggering, and it’s growing every day. Does that mean it’s
too difficult to do all by yourself?
Not at all. It’s very involved, and it will take a little time and ongoing effort, but it’s
not rocket science, and you can even do everything you need to organically Rank
#1 in all major search engines by yourself, all for free.
When I opened my SEO Services business in 2004 I only had experience
working with my own websites before that point, and I learned VERY quickly one
last, very important thing about SEO… It’s personal.
If you pay a big company to optimize your website for you, as opposed to you
learning how and doing the optimization yourself, then you’ll never be able to
rank as highly. Another company cannot have the very discreet knowledge of
your businesses’ keywords and market that you had to learn the hard way.
You can’t just write some keywords down on a list and give it to them, either. You
have to be the one continually choosing your website’s keywords and putting
them in your site where you see fit. Any other method will either make your site
be someone else’s work, not matching your industry, or simply ineffective.
(Usually all three.)
The good news is that you taking on the role of SEOer of your own site means
that you won’t have to pay a penny for SEO services at all. As my ratings
suggest, it’s not a very quick way to bring in traffic, but scoring very highly for
your keywords in the Google, Yahoo!, and MSN search engine ranking pages
(SERPs) is an incredibly effective way of bringing in traffic. Possibly the best of
all ways, because it is the highest possible quality, and if you can dominate
enough keywords for your niche, the highest possible quantity as well!
On- site Search Engine Optimization breaks down into 5 categories.
We won’t be including link building in with these five, but it is a very important
ongoing method you must follow up with... There are many entries throughout
this Encyclopedia on that subject.
People who don’t understand SEO just aren’t aware that it’s all about the
Keywords. Choose the right ones, and all of the ones, for your niche, and then
use them everywhere you can on your site. That’s really all there is to SEO, but
there are infinite variations to the process. Let’s hit the major areas by category.
Keyword Selection
Choosing the Right keywords to target your intended audience with is more than
vital, it’s the
ball game. The best way to do this is by using a large-scale
keyword generation software & services such as
Keyword Elite
However, if you take the time to do it right, you can find all the same keywords
yourself, albeit more slowly, by using an excellent free web-based tool offered by
Digital Point Solutions, simply called the
Free Keyword Suggestion Tool
. It
actually queries both Yahoo’s (Overture) data as well as Google’s AdWords
keyword data, for each and ever y keyword search you run. Better yet, it let’s you
drill down to be as specific as you want.
The only thing this doesn’t tell you is how much people are willing to pay for each
term in PPC engines like AdWords and Y!SM. This is valuable data I suggest you
use for in-depth campaigns, especially for AdSense Publishers, however at this
point it’s not necessary. SEOing your website is strictly the art of choosing the
MOST RELEVANT keywords to your desired audience. All else needs to be
forgotten at this stage.
Build up as big a list as possible, keeping all keywords on your list relevant. I
suggest using a spreadsheet like MS-Excel to store them, so you can sort them
by demand as well.
The way you get lots of people to your site is by choosing the highest-demand
keywords on that list and using them in your site often. After you’ve built your
whole list, sort by demand, and use those with the biggest numbers the most
across your website.
It’s actually a bit more complicated than that, but you can easily see the pattern
here. For those perfectionists out there, I’ve perfected the process instructions on
my old SEO website:
Keyword Density
This term refers to the number of times you use your keywords throughout a
page or a site. If you had a 200 word page that you’re trying to optimize for the
word “peanut butter,” but only said this phrase once throughout the whole page,
you’re not letting Googlebot and it’s spider pals know what you’re talking about at
Alternatively, if 50 of those 200 words (25%) are the keywords themselves, then
you’re really going to be spamming the search engines, as Googlebot will see
right through what you’re trying to do and penalize you for it. Even worse, people
reading such copy would think that you’re not even a native speaker of your
language, and leave the page immediately!
The best course of action would be to aim between 0.5% and 5% of the content
on a page. Any more would sound artificial; any less would be too vague. The
trick is to never let it influence your copy’s effectiveness.
This doesn’t take into account the other places you can put your keywords, such
as the name of the page, the title, in HTML comment tags, as names for the
photos it links to, and of course in the Meta Tags in your HTML code. They’r e all
wide-open for you to shove your keywords into as well, and SE Spiders like
Googlebot read them too.
The most important place on a web page to put your keywords, beside the Title
on the page, is in your page’s META tags. In your html page codes’ heading
section, they look like this:
There are many other META tags as well, but these are pretty universal, and
really only the top two here, Description & Keywords are vital.
A major mistake most web authors do is to make their META tag block once, and
then just post the same block on every page of their site. Each page on your site
should be targeted individually, and contain the keywords from the meta tags in
the body copy as well.
To put it another way, your page on Peanut Butter Cookies must have that
keyword phrase on it, in the Meta Tag as well as the content, and not the same 5
keywords on your main Peanut Butter web site home page… Remember, Google
and the other big SEs judge each page one by one for for their results, not whole
Site Flow
The Flow of a website in SEO terms refers to the order in which a Search Engine
Spider like Googlebot will read a site and even page while indexing. (In sales
websites, there is another “Flow” process, which is totally separate from this
To optimize your website for the search engines, you have to try to read the
website code in the same order that a spider does, not just how it appears to
humans. There are many variables to this, including instructions for the spiders in
your Robots.txt file, inside the META “Index” tag, the order of which your links
appear on a web page, the order of all links in your sitemap file, and even the
order that the content occurs within the html code. Collectively , we call all of
these “Spider guiders.”
What this mini-science comes down to is the fact that you must show the search
engines exactly what you want to be highly ranked for, and hide as much else as
possible from them. The most important tool in this arsenal is a Sitemap file…
Both Google and Yahoo! let you write a “map” of your website and submit it to
them, so their spiders will know in advance exactly what to go index and how
often. This has nothing to do with your website’s “Sitemap” page, those are for a
human being’s eyes, although technically those make it a little easier on the
spiders as well.
Google’s spider map is commonly a file named “sitemap.xml” that must be
placed on the main web directory of your server host. Google demands that it be
written in the XML language, which looks a lot like HTML except for a few other
commands. Don’t worry, you won’t have to write a single line of code for this.
There’s an excellent free tool coming up in a minute to write these for you.
Once you’ve got your file written, you’ve got to tell Google that it’s there, so you
can get Googlebot to come out and spider your website as soon as possible.
Without doing this, you have no control at all when your website will be first
Where do you do this? Simply log into your Google account, (the same account
for Gmail, Analytics, AdWords, AdSense, or any other of Google’s services) and
click on “My Account,” then “Webmaster Tools.” From that page you’ll be able to
add websites and watch their progress.
Yahoo!’s Sitemap is different. It’s just a Text file (.TXT) that is nothing but a list of
URLs on your domain. If you list an URL there, it will index that page. If not, it
won’t. I love the simplicity of their method. They call it a “Feed” however, and you
have to submit that too.
Simply go to the main page of, click at the bottom where it says
“Suggest a Site.” Choose the top option of “Suggest a Site for free,” and the page
will then take you to an account login screen if you’re not already logged in. Do
so, and then the next screen will be a website URL suggestion form. The account
“Feed” it is looking for is the Urllist.txt file that you have to make. It can be added
there at the end of the URL to your website in their form, and Yahoo! will start
spidering your site immediately as well.
So where do you get your Sitemap.xml and Urllist.txt files made? There are
hundreds of places online that offer the service of writing these files for you. Until
recently, all the free versions were very limited, only allowing 50 to100 links on
your site, or not allowing certain time variables. Lately there’s been an addition
that has no such limits, making all the rest of these obsolete:
Click on the ‘webmaster tool’ box on this page and it will open up a Java
application. (Yes, you need free Sun Java installed first.) Play with this app until
you feel lik e you’ve included everything on your site that you want Google and
Yahoo! to see, and hidden away everything else. It can then output the
sitemap.xml and urllist.txt files for you, all for free.
Upload those to the main folder of your server host and tell Big G and Y! where
they are as fast as you can.
All the rest of SEOing your website has to do with link building, but there are
some other details that can help as well. I also recommend a great program
that helps automate all of this work from one suite of tools, and
they even have a free version as well. It even gives you reports of work left to do
and campaign effectiveness.
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